
Oracle ATAN2() function


The ATAN2() function is used to calculate the arc tangent of two numbers for a point on a Cartesian plane. The first number in the argument can be in an unbounded range and returns a value in the range of -pi to pi, depending on the signs of num1 and num2 specified in the argument, expressed in radians.
The function takes any numeric or nonnumeric data type (can be implicitly converted to a numeric data type) as an argument.
If any argument is BINARY_FLOAT or BINARY_DOUBLE, then the function returns BINARY_DOUBLE. Otherwise, the function returns NUMBER.

Uses of Oracle ATAN2() Function
  • Trigonometric Calculations: Determine the angle between the positive x-axis and the point (num2, num1) on the Cartesian plane.

  • Mathematical Modeling: Essential in models requiring accurate angle calculations from coordinates.

  • Engineering Applications: Used in engineering to compute angles in navigation and robotics.

  • Graphics Programming: Applied in computer graphics to determine rotation angles.

  • Data Analysis: Useful in analyzing data involving directional components or angular measurements.

  • Scientific Research: Employed in scientific studies requiring precise angular calculations for points on a plane.


ATAN2(num1, num2);


Name Description
num1 A number.
num2 A number.

Pictorial Presentation of ATAN2() function

Pictorial Presentation of Oracle ATAN2() function


The statement below will return the arc tangent in radians of -3 and 2 for a point in a Cartesian plane.

SELECT ATAN2(-3,2) FROM dual; 

Here is the result



The statement below will return the arc tangent of .5 and .3 for a point in a Cartesian plane.

SELECT ATAN2(.5,.3) FROM dual; 

Here is the result


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