
Oracle FROM_TZ function

Convert a timestamp value to a timestamp with time zone in Oracle

The Oracle FROM_TZ() function is used to convert a TIMESTAMP value to a TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE value by associating the timestamp with a specific time zone.

Uses of Oracle FROM_TZ() Function:
  • Converting a timestamp to a time zone-based value: Convert a TIMESTAMP value into a TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE using a specified time zone.

  • Handling time zone conversions in global applications: Adjust timestamps to reflect different time zones, ensuring consistency across geographic locations.

  • Facilitating timezone-aware date and time comparisons: Compare timestamps accurately across different time zones.

  • Preserving date and time accuracy in distributed systems: Maintain timestamp precision across systems operating in various time zones.

  • Supporting timezone-aware queries for reporting: Enable time zone-specific queries and reporting in global databases.


FROM_TZ (timestamp_value, time_zone_value)


Name Description
timestamp_value The value to convert to a TIMESTAMP with TIME ZONE value.
time_zone_value Convert timestamp_value to a TIMESTAMP with TIME ZONE value.

Applies to:
Oracle 12c, Oracle 11g, Oracle 10g, Oracle 9i

Pictorial Presentation

Pictorial Presentation of Oracle EXTRACT function

Example: Oracle FROM_TZ () function

The following statement returns a timestamp value to TIMESTAMP with TIME ZONE :

SQL> SELECT FROM_TZ(TIMESTAMP '2015-04-28 09:00:00', '4:00')

Sample Output:

28-APR-15 AM +04:00

Previous: EXTRACT(datetime)

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