
Oracle NLS_UPPER function


The NLS_UPPER function is used to return all letters of a given string in uppercase, taking into account linguistic conventions based on the National Language Support (NLS) parameters.

Note : National Language Support (NLS) is a technology enabling Oracle applications to interact with users in their native language, using their conventions for displaying data.

Uses of Oracle NLS_UPPER Function
  • Converting Text to Uppercase: Transforms all characters in a string to uppercase.

  • Supporting Multiple Languages: Handles uppercase conversions according to linguistic rules for various languages.

  • Data Cleaning and Normalization: Normalizes text data to uppercase for consistent storage and processing.

  • Preparing Data for Comparison: Ensures case-insensitive comparisons by converting text to uppercase.

  • Formatting User Inputs: Standardizes user inputs to uppercase.

  • Enhancing Data Presentation: Formats text data for consistent presentation in reports, GUIs, and other interfaces.


NLS_UPPER(string1 [, 'nlsparam' ])


Name Description Data Types
string1 A string whose characters will be converted to uppercase. CHAR, VARCHAR2, NCHAR, NVARCHAR2, CLOB, or NCLOB
nlsparam The value of 'nlsparam' can have this form :
'NLS_SORT = sort'
where sort is either a linguistic sort sequence or BINARY. The linguistic sort sequence handles special linguistic requirements for case conversions. These requirements can result in a return value of a different length than the char. If you omit 'nlsparam', then this function uses the default sort sequence for your session.

Return Value Type


Examples: Oracle NLS_UPPER function

The following example returns a string with all the letters converted to uppercase:

SELECT NLS_UPPER('w3resource') "Uppercase"

Sample Output:


Previous: NLS_LOWER

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