
Hands-on MySQL Spatial Data Exercises and Solutions

MySQL Spatial Data [20 exercises with solution]

1. Create a Table with a Spatial Column

Write a MySQL query to create a table that includes a spatial column for storing geographic location data.

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2. Insert a Spatial Data Point Using ST_GeomFromText

Write a MySQL query to insert a new record into the Locations table with a geographic point using ST_GeomFromText.

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3. Calculate Distance between Two Points

Write a MySQL query to calculate the distance between a stored location and a given point using ST_Distance.

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4. Find Locations Within a Radius

Write a MySQL query to retrieve all locations within a specified radius (e.g., 1000 units) from a given point.

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5. Check if a Point is Within a Polygon

Write a MySQL query to verify if a given point lies inside a specified polygon using ST_Within.

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6. Create a Spatial Index on a Column

Write a MySQL query to add a spatial index on the location column of the Locations table.

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7. Update a Spatial Data Point

Write a MySQL query to update the location of a specific record in the Locations table using ST_GeomFromText.

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8. Delete Records Based on Spatial Criteria

Write a MySQL query to delete records from the Locations table where the distance from a given point exceeds 5000 units.

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9. Convert Spatial Data to Well-Known Text (WKT)

Write a MySQL query to convert the spatial data in the location column to WKT format using ST_AsText.

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10. Retrieve the Nearest Location

Write a MySQL query to find the nearest location to a given point by ordering results using ST_Distance.

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11. Create a Table with Multiple Spatial Data Types

Write a MySQL query to create a table that includes both POINT and POLYGON spatial columns.

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12. Insert a Polygon Using ST_GeomFromText

Write a MySQL query to insert a polygon into the GeoData table representing an area.

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13. Find Polygons That Intersect a Given Area

Write a MySQL query to select all records from the GeoData table where the stored polygon intersects a specified polygon.

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14. Calculate the Area of a Polygon

Write a MySQL query to calculate the area of polygons stored in the GeoData table using ST_Area.

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15. Calculate the Perimeter of a Polygon

Write a query to calculate the perimeter of polygons in the GeoData table using ST_Perimeter.

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16. Create a Buffer around a Point

Write a query to create a buffer zone around a point stored in the Locations table using ST_Buffer.

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17. Transform Spatial Data to a Different SRID

Write a MySQL query to transform the spatial data in the location column to SRID 4326 using ST_Transform.

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18. Insert a Point with a Specific SRID

Write a MySQL query to insert a new record into the Locations table with a point that includes an SRID using ST_GeomFromText.

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19. Find Locations within a Bounding Box

Write a query to find all locations that fall within a specified bounding box using the MBRContains function.

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20. Retrieve the SRID of a Geometry

Write a MySQL query to extract the SRID of the geometry stored in the location column using ST_SRID.

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More to Come !

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