Advanced Full-Text Search Techniques for MySQL Mastery
MySQL Full-Text Search Exercises with solutions [20 exercises with solution]
1. Basic Full-Text Search on a Single Column
Write a MySQL query to perform a basic full-text search on the "Content" column of the Articles table for the term "database".
2. Full-Text Search on Multiple Columns
Write a MySQL query to search for the term "tutorial" in both the "Title" and "Content" columns of the Articles table.
3. Boolean Mode Full-Text Search
Write a MySQL query to perform a full-text search in boolean mode on the "Content" column for the term "SQL" including the "+" operator.
4. Full-Text Search with Relevance Ranking
Write a MySQL query to search for "performance" in the "Content" column and display a relevance score for each result.
5. Full-Text Search Using Query Expansion
Write a MySQL query to perform a full-text search with query expansion on the "Content" column for the term "optimization".
6. Full-Text Search with a WHERE Clause Filter
Write a MySQL query to search for the term "security" in the "Content" column and filter results by articles published in 2024.
7. Full-Text Search Combined with Sorting by Date
Write a MySQL query to search for "innovation" in the "Content" column and order the results by the PublishDate in descending order.
8. Creating a Full-Text Index on a Single Column
Write a MySQL query to add a full-text index on the "Content" column of the Articles table.
9. Creating a Full-Text Index on Multiple Columns
Write a MySQL query to add a full-text index on both the "Title" and "Content" columns of the Articles table.
10. Full-Text Search in Natural Language Mode
Write a MySQL query to search for the term "analytics" in the "Content" column using natural language mode explicitly.
11. Excluding Specific Terms Using Boolean Full-Text Search
Write a MySQL query to search for "marketing" in the "Content" column but exclude results that contain the term "advertising" using boolean operators.
12. Updating a Row and Rerunning a Full-Text Search
Write a MySQL query to update the "Content" column of a specific article and then perform a full-text search for the updated keyword "cloud".
13. Combining Full-Text Search with Sorting by Relevance
Write a MySQL query to search for "cybersecurity" in the "Content" column and order the results by their relevance score.
14. Limiting Full-Text Search Results
Write a MySQL query to perform a full-text search for "innovation" in the "Content" column and limit the results to the top 10 matches.
15. Using Full-Text Search in a Subquery
Write a MySQL query to use a subquery that retrieves ArticleIDs matching "machine learning" and then fetch complete details for those articles.
16. Searching for Exact Phrases Using Quoted Strings
Write a MySQL query to perform a full-text search for the exact phrase "data science" in the "Content" column using boolean mode.
17. Using Full-Text Search with a JOIN Query
Write a MySQL query to perform a full-text search for "blockchain" in the "Content" column of the Articles table and join with the Authors table to retrieve author details.
18. Full-Text Search with Custom Stopword List Consideration
Write a MySQL query to perform a full-text search for "network" in the "Content" column, considering that a custom stopword list has been applied.
19. Full-Text Search with Column Weighting Simulation
Write a MySQL query to perform a full-text search for "technology" in both the "Title" and "Content" columns and simulate column weighting by comparing relevance scores.
20. Paginating Full-Text Search Results
Write a MySQL query to perform a full-text search for "innovation" in the "Content" column and retrieve results for page 2 assuming 10 results per page.
More to Come !
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