
Reproject Spatial Data to a Standard Coordinate System

Transform Spatial Data to a Different SRID

Write a MySQL query to transform the spatial data in the location column to SRID 4326 using ST_Transform.


-- Transform the spatial data in the 'location' column to use SRID 4326 (WGS 84) for geographic coordinates.

    -- Select the 'name' column to display the name of the location.

    -- Use the ST_Transform function to transform the 'location' column (a POINT) into the specified SRID (4326). 
    -- The result is aliased as 'transformedLocation' for clarity.
    ST_Transform(location, 4326) AS transformedLocation

-- Retrieve data from the Locations table.
FROM Locations;


  • Purpose of the Query:
    • The goal is to convert spatial data from its current coordinate system to a different one.
    • This demonstrates the use of ST_Transform (available in MySQL 8.0+ with proper setup).
  • Key Components:
    • ST_Transform(location, 4326) : Converts the spatial data to the specified SRID (4326).
  • Real-World Application:
    • Essential for integrating with systems that require geographic coordinates in a standard format (WGS 84).


  • Ensure that your MySQL installation supports ST_Transform and that the spatial reference tables are configured.

For more Practice: Solve these Related Problems:

  • Write a MySQL query to convert spatial data in the "Locations" table from its current SRID to 4326 using ST_Transform.
  • Write a MySQL query to transform the geometry in the "GeoData" table to SRID 3857 using ST_Transform.
  • Write a MySQL query to update the spatial column of "MapAreas" by transforming its SRID to 4326 using ST_Transform.
  • Write a MySQL query to select the transformed spatial data from the "Locations" table using ST_Transform, aliasing the new geometry as "transformedLocation".

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Previous MySQL Exercise: Create a Buffer around a Point.
Next MySQL Exercise: Insert a Point with a Specific SRID.

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