Practical Exercises for MySQL Replication and Clustering
Replication and Clustering Exercises with solutions [19 exercises with solution]
1. Setup Master-Slave Replication
Write a MySQL query to configure a MySQL server as a master for replication.
2. Configure Slave Server
Write a MySQL query to configure a MySQL server as a slave for replication.
3. Promote Slave to Master
Write MySQL queries to promote a slave to a new master in case of failover.
4. Check Replication Lag
Write a MySQL query to check the replication lag on a slave server.
5. Multi-Master Replication Setup
Write MySQL queries to set up a multi-master replication environment.
6. Implement Galera Cluster for MySQL
Write MySQL commands to join a node to an existing Galera Cluster.
7. Monitor Galera Cluster Health
Write a MySQL query to check the health and status of a Galera Cluster node.
8. Force a Node to Leave Galera Cluster
Write a MySQL commands to safely remove a node from a Galera Cluster.
9. Configure Semi-Synchronous Replication
Write a MySQL commands to enable semi-synchronous replication on a master.
10. Check Semi-Sync Replication Status
Write a MySQL query query to check if semi-synchronous replication is working.
11. Convert Semi-Sync to Full Sync
Write a MySQL query commands to convert semi-synchronous to fully synchronous replication.
12. Setup Group Replication
Write a MySQL commands to set up Group Replication for MySQL.
13. Monitor Group Replication Status
Write a MySQL queries to monitor the status of Group Replication.
14. Add New Member to Group Replication
Write a MySQL commands to add a new server to an existing Group Replication.
15. Remove Member from Group Replication
Write a MySQL command to safely remove a member from Group Replication.
16. Check Replication Consistency
Write a MySQL query to check data consistency across replication nodes.
17. Set Up Circular Replication
Write a MySQL queries to configure circular replication between three MySQL servers.
18. Handle Replication Errors
Write a MySQL queries to identify and handle replication errors on a slave.
19. Implement Read-Scale Out with Replication
Write a MySQL query to help configure read scaling by using replication.
More to Come !
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