R Programming Data frame: Exercises, Practice, Solution
R Programming Data frame [26 exercises with solution]
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1. Write a R program to create an empty data frame.
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2. Write a R program to create a data frame from four given vectors.
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3. Write a R program to get the structure of a given data frame.
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4. Write a R program to get the statistical summary and nature of the data of a given data frame.
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5. Write a R program to extract specific column from a data frame using column name.
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6. Write a R program to extract first two rows from a given data frame.
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7. Write a R program to extract 3rd and 5th rows with 1st and 3rd columns from a given data frame.
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8. Write a R program to add a new column in a given data frame.
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9. Write a R program to add new row(s) to an existing data frame.
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10. Write a R program to drop column(s) by name from a given data frame.
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11. Write a R program to drop row(s) by number from a given data frame.
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12. Write a R program to sort a given data frame by multiple column(s).
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13. Write a R program to create inner, outer, left, right join(merge) from given two data frames.
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14. Write a R program to replace NA values with 3 in a given data frame.
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15. Write a R program to change a column name of a given data frame.
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16. Write a R program to change more than one column name of a given data frame.
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17. Write a R program to select some random rows from a given data frame.
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18. Write a R program to reorder an given data frame by column name.
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19. Write a R program to compare two data frames to find the row(s) in first data frame that are not present in second data frame.
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20. Write a R program to find elements which are present in two given data frames.
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21. Write a R program to find elements come only once that are common to both given data frames.
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22. Write a R program to save the information of a data frame in a file and display the information of the file.
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23. Write a R program to count the number of NA values in a data frame column.
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24. Write a R program to create a data frame using two given vectors and display the duplicated elements and unique rows of the said data frame.
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25. Write a R program to call the (built-in) dataset airquality. Check whether it is a data frame or not? Order the entire data frame by the first and second column.
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26. Write a R program to call the (built-in) dataset airquality. Remove the variables 'Solar.R' and 'Wind' and display the data frame.
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