
R Programming: Sort a Data Frame by Multiple Columns

Write a R program to sort a given data frame by multiple column(s).

Sample Solution :

R Programming Code :

# Create a data frame named 'exam_data' with columns 'name', 'score', 'attempts', and 'qualify'
exam_data = data.frame(
  # Define the 'name' column with a vector of names
  name = c('Anastasia', 'Dima', 'Katherine', 'James', 'Emily', 'Michael', 'Matthew', 'Laura', 'Kevin', 'Jonas'),
  # Define the 'score' column with a vector of scores
  score = c(12.5, 9, 16.5, 12, 9, 20, 14.5, 13.5, 8, 19),
  # Define the 'attempts' column with a vector of attempts
  attempts = c(1, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 1),
  # Define the 'qualify' column with a vector of qualification statuses
  qualify = c('yes', 'no', 'yes', 'no', 'no', 'yes', 'yes', 'no', 'no', 'yes')

# Print a message indicating the original data frame
print("Original dataframe:")

# Print the original data frame to the console

# Print a message indicating that the data frame will be sorted by 'name' and 'score' columns
print("DataFrame after sorting 'name' and 'score' columns:")

# Sort the data frame by 'name' and 'score' columns in ascending order
exam_data = exam_data[with(exam_data, order(name, score)), ]

# Print the sorted data frame to the console


[1] "Original dataframe:"
        name score attempts qualify
1  Anastasia  12.5        1     yes
2       Dima   9.0        3      no
3  Katherine  16.5        2     yes
4      James  12.0        3      no
5      Emily   9.0        2      no
6    Michael  20.0        3     yes
7    Matthew  14.5        1     yes
8      Laura  13.5        1      no
9      Kevin   8.0        2      no
10     Jonas  19.0        1     yes
[1] "dataframe after sorting 'name' and 'score' columns:"
        name score attempts qualify
1  Anastasia  12.5        1     yes
2       Dima   9.0        3      no
5      Emily   9.0        2      no
4      James  12.0        3      no
10     Jonas  19.0        1     yes
3  Katherine  16.5        2     yes
9      Kevin   8.0        2      no
8      Laura  13.5        1      no
7    Matthew  14.5        1     yes
6    Michael  20.0        3     yes                         


  • Create Data Frame:
    • exam_data = data.frame(...): Creates a data frame named exam_data with four columns: name, score, attempts, and qualify.
      • name = c(...): Contains names of students.
      • score = c(...): Contains scores of the students.
      • attempts = c(...): Contains the number of attempts each student made.
      • qualify = c(...): Contains whether each student qualifies or not.
  • Print Original Data Frame:
    • print("Original dataframe:"): Prints a message indicating that the original data frame is being displayed.
    • print(exam_data): Displays the original exam_data data frame.
  • Sort Data Frame:
    • print("dataframe after sorting 'name' and 'score' columns:"): Prints a message indicating that the data frame is being sorted by the name and score columns.
    • exam_data = exam_data[with(exam_data, order(name, score)), ]: Sorts exam_data first by name in ascending alphabetical order, and then by score in ascending numerical order for rows with the same name.
  • Print Sorted Data Frame:
    • print(exam_data): Displays the sorted exam_data data frame.

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