
NumPy I/O Operations: Exercises, Practice, and Solutions

This resource offers a total of 20 NumPy I/O Operations problems for practice.

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1. CSV Numeric Read

Write a NumPy program that reads data from a CSV file into a NumPy array. The CSV file contains numeric data.

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2. CSV with Mixed Data Write

Write a NumPy array with both numeric and string data to a CSV file.

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3. Structured Array CSV Read

Write a NumPy program that reads data from a CSV file into a structured NumPy array with specified data types for each column.

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4. Structured Array CSV Write

Write a structured NumPy array to a CSV file, ensuring proper formatting of different data types.

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5. CSV with Missing Values Read

Write a NumPy program that reads a CSV file containing missing values into a NumPy array, handling the missing values appropriately.

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6. Space-delimited Text File Read/Write

Write a NumPy program that saves a NumPy array to a text file with space as the delimiter and then reads it back into a NumPy array.

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7. Binary File Save/Load

Write a NumPy array to a binary file using np.save and then load it back using np.load.

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8. Multiple Arrays in Single Binary File

Write a NumPy program that saves multiple NumPy arrays to a single binary file using np.savez and then loads them back using np.load.

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9. HDF5 File Write/Read

Write a NumPy array to an HDF5 file and then read it back into a NumPy array.

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10. Specific Dataset from HDF5

Write a NumPy program that reads a specific dataset from an HDF5 file into a NumPy array.

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11. Compressed .npz File Save/Load

Write a NumPy program that saves a large NumPy array to a compressed .npz file and then reads it back into a NumPy array.

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12. Excel File Read/Write via Pandas

Write a NumPy array to an Excel file using a library like pandas and then read it back into a NumPy array.

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13. JSON File Read to Array

Write a NumPy program that reads data from a JSON file into a NumPy array. The JSON file contains numeric data.

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14. Numeric Array Write to JSON

Write a NumPy array with numeric data to a JSON file.

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15. CSV to DataFrame to Array Conversion

Write a NumPy program that reads data from a CSV file into a Pandas DataFrame and then converts it to a NumPy array.

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16. Array to SQLite Database

Write a NumPy array to a SQLite database and then read it back into a NumPy array.

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17. MATLAB .mat File Round-trip

Write a NumPy program that saves a NumPy array to a MATLAB .mat file using scipy.io.savemat and then reads it back using scipy.io.loadmat.

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18. Image File Read (PNG)

Write a NumPy program that read image data from a PNG file into a NumPy array using an image processing library like PIL or opencv.

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19. Save Array as Image File

Write a NumPy program that saves a NumPy array as an image file (e.g., PNG) using an image processing library like PIL or opencv.

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20. Array Append to List Conversion

Write a NumPy program to append a NumPy array to a Python list and print the result.

Click me to see the sample solution

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