
Read PNG image data into NumPy array using Python

NumPy: I/O Operations Exercise-18 with Solution

Write a NumPy program that read image data from a PNG file into a NumPy array using an image processing library like PIL or opencv.

Read PNG image data into NumPy array using Python

Sample Solution:

Python Code:

from PIL import Image
import numpy as np

# Define the path to the PNG file
image_path = 'image.png'

# Open the image file using PIL
image = Image.open(image_path)

# Convert the image to a NumPy array
image_array = np.array(image)

# Print the shape of the image array to verify
print('Image array shape:', image_array.shape)

# Display the image array (optional, requires matplotlib)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


Image array shape: (170, 132, 3)


  • Import Libraries:
    • Imported Image from the PIL library for image processing.
    • Imported numpy as np for handling arrays.
  • Define Image Path:
    • Set the path to the PNG file as image_path.
  • Open Image File:
    • Used Image.open to open the image file specified by image_path.
  • Convert Image to NumPy Array:
    • Converted the image object to a NumPy array using np.array.
  • Print Image Array Shape:
    • Printed the shape of the NumPy array to verify the conversion.
  • Display Image Array:
    • Optionally displayed the image using matplotlib.pyplot to visualize the array data.

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Previous: Save and load NumPy arrays with MATLAB .mat files using SciPy.
Next: Save a NumPy array as an image file using Python.

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