
NumPy Sorting and Searching Exercises, Practice, Solution

This resource offers a total of 45 NumPy Sorting and Searching problems for practice. It includes 9 main exercises, each accompanied by solutions, detailed explanations, and four related problems.

This document provides a series of NumPy exercises focused on advanced array sorting techniques, including multi-axis sorting, structured arrays sorted by specific fields (e.g., height, class), complex number sorting, and partial/partitioned sorting.

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1. Sort Array Along Different Axes

Write a NumPy program to sort a given array of shape 2 along the first axis, last axis and on flattened array.

Expected Output:
Original array:
[[10 40]
[30 20]]
Sort the array along the first axis:
[[10 20]
[30 40]]
Sort the array along the last axis:
[[10 40]
[20 30]]
Sort the flattened array:
[10 20 30 40]
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2. Structured Array Sorted by Height

Write a NumPy program to create a structured array from given student name, height, class and their data types. Now sort the array on height.

Sample Output:
Original array:
[(b'James', 5, 48.5 ) (b'Nail', 6, 52.5 ) (b'Paul', 5, 42.1 )
(b'Pit', 5, 40.11)]
Sort by height
[(b'Pit', 5, 40.11) (b'Paul', 5, 42.1 ) (b'James', 5, 48.5 )
(b'Nail', 6, 52.5 )]
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3. Structured Array Sorted by Class Then Height

Write a NumPy program to create a structured array from given student name, height, class and their data types. Now sort by class, then height if class are equal.

Expected Output:
Original array:
[(b'James', 5, 48.5 ) (b'Nail', 6, 52.5 ) (b'Paul', 5, 42.1 ) (b'Pit', 5, 40.11)]
Sort by age, then height if class are equal:
[(b'Pit', 5, 40.11) (b'Paul', 5, 42.1 ) (b'James', 5, 48.5 ) (b'Nail', 6, 52.5 )]
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4. Sort Student IDs by Increasing Height

Write a NumPy program to sort the student id with increasing height of the students from given students id and height. Print the integer indices that describes the sort order by multiple columns and the sorted data.

Expected Output:
Sorted indices:
[4 0 5 3 6 1 2]
Sorted data:
1682 38.0
1023 40.0
5241 40.0
1671 41.0
4532 42.0
5202 42.0
6230 45.0

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5. Indices of Sorted Elements

Write a NumPy program to get the indices of the sorted elements of a given array.

Expected Output:
Original array:
[1023 5202 6230 1671 1682 5241 4532]
Indices of the sorted elements of a given array:
[0 3 4 6 1 5 2]
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6. Sort Complex Array by Real then Imaginary Part

Write a NumPy program to sort a given complex array using the real part first, then the imaginary part.

Note: "busday" default of Monday through Friday being valid days.
Sample Output:
Original array:
[(1+2j), (3-1j), (3-2j), (4-3j), (3+5j)]
Sorted a given complex array using the real part first, then the imaginary part.
[1.+2.j 3.-2.j 3.-1.j 3.+5.j 4.-3.j]
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7. Partition Array by Specified Position

Write a NumPy program to partition a given array in a specified position and move all the smaller elements values to the left of the partition, and the remaining values to the right, in arbitrary order (based on random choice).

Sample output:
Original array:
[ 70 50 20 30 -11 60 50 40]
After partitioning on 4 the position:
[-11 30 20 40 50 50 60 70]
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8. Partial Sorting from the Beginning of an Array

Write a NumPy program to sort the specified number of elements from beginning of a given array.

Sample output:
Original array:
[0.39536213 0.11779404 0.32612381 0.16327394 0.98837963 0.25510787 0.01398678 0.15188239 0.12057667 0.67278699]
Sorted first 5 elements:
[0.01398678 0.11779404 0.12057667 0.15188239 0.16327394 0.25510787 0.39536213 0.98837963 0.32612381 0.67278699]
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9. Sort Array by Nth Column

Write a NumPy program to sort an given array by the nth column.

Original array:
[[1 5 0]
[3 2 5]
[8 7 6]]
Sort the said array by the nth column:
[[3 2 5]
[1 5 0]
[8 7 6]]
Click me to see the sample solution

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