NumPy Advanced Indexing: Exercises, Practice, and Solutions
This resource offers a total of 100 NumPy Advanced Indexing problems for practice. It includes 20 main exercises, each accompanied by solutions, detailed explanations, and four related problems.
This document provides a series of exercises focusing on advanced NumPy indexing techniques, including boolean, integer, and fancy indexing across multi-dimensional arrays (2D to 5D).
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1. 2D Array Random Integers & Boolean Indexing
Write a NumPy program that creates a 2D NumPy array of random integers. Use boolean indexing to select all elements greater than a specified value.
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2. 1D Array & Integer Array Indexing
Write a NumPy program that creates a 1D NumPy array and uses integer array indexing to select a subset of elements based on an index array.
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3. 3D Array & Fancy Indexing
Write a NumPy program that creates a 3D NumPy array and uses fancy indexing to select elements from specific rows and columns.
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4. 4D Array & Multi-dimensional Indexing
Write a NumPy program that creates a 4D NumPy array and uses multi-dimensional indexing to select a subarray.
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5. 2D Random Floats & Multiple Condition Boolean Indexing
Write a NumPy program that creates a 2D NumPy array of random floats and uses boolean indexing to select elements that satisfy multiple conditions (e.g., greater than 0.5 and less than 0.8).
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6. 2D Array & Integer Indexing with Broadcasting
Write a NumPy program that creates a 2D NumPy array and uses integer indexing with broadcasting to select elements from specific rows and all columns.
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7. 3D Array & Boolean Indexing Along One Axis
Write a NumPy program that creates a 3D NumPy array and use boolean indexing to select elements along one axis based on conditions applied to another axis.
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8. 2D Array & Tuple of Arrays Indexing
Write a NumPy program that creates a 2D NumPy array and uses a tuple of arrays to index and select a specific set of elements.
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9. Cross-Indexing with np.ix_
Write a NumPy program that creates two 1D NumPy arrays and uses np.ix_ to perform cross-indexing on a 2D array.
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10. 2D Array & Boolean Indexing Replacement
Write a NumPy program that creates a 2D NumPy array and uses boolean indexing to replace all elements that meet a certain condition with a specified value.
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11. 3D Array & Integer Array Indexing Along Specific Axes
Write a NumPy program that creates a 3D NumPy array and uses integer array indexing to select elements along specific axes.
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12. 2D Array & Combined Boolean and Integer Indexing
Write a NumPy program that creates a 2D NumPy array and uses a combination of boolean and integer indexing to select a subset of elements.
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13. 1D Array & Boolean Indexing with Logical Operators
Write a NumPy program that creates a 1D NumPy array and uses boolean indexing with logical operators (e.g., & for AND, | for OR) to select elements based on multiple conditions.
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14. 2D Array Slicing with Index Arrays for Subarray
Write a NumPy program that creates a 2D NumPy array and uses slicing in combination with index arrays to select a rectangular subarray.
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15. 3D Array & Boolean Indexing for Value Replacement
Write a NumPy program that creates a 3D NumPy array and uses boolean indexing to set elements that meet a condition to a new value.
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16. 2D Array & np.nonzero Advanced Indexing
Write a NumPy program that creates a 2D NumPy array and uses np.nonzero to find indices of elements that satisfy a condition, then uses these indices for advanced indexing.
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17. 4D Array & Integer Indexing to Extract Subarrays
Write a NumPy program that creates a 4D NumPy array and uses integer indexing to extract smaller subarrays.
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18. 3D Array & Combined Slicing and Integer Indexing
Write a Numpy program that creates a 3D NumPy array and use a combination of slicing and integer indexing to select a specific slice and then index into it.
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19. 5D Array & Boolean Indexing Across Dimensions
Write a NumPy program that creates a 5D NumPy array. Use boolean indexing to select elements along specific dimensions based on conditions applied to other dimensions.
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20. 2D Array & Mask Array for Subset Selection
Write a NumPy program that creates a 2D NumPy array and uses a mask array (boolean array) for indexing to select a subset of elements that match the mask criteria.
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