
Python Class - Exercises, Practice, Solution

Python class [28 exercises with solution]

The basic idea behind an object-oriented programming (OOP) is to combine both data and associated procedures (known as methods) into a single unit which operate on the data. Such a unit is called an object.

List of Exercises:

You may read our Python classes tutorial before solving the following exercises.

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Python class, Basic exercises [12 exercises with solution]

1. Write a Python program to import a built-in array module and display the namespace of the said module.

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2. Write a Python program to create a class and display the namespace of that class.

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3. Write a Python program to create an instance of a specified class and display the namespace of the said instance.

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4. 'builtins' module provides direct access to all 'built-in' identifiers of Python.
Write a Python program that imports the abs() function using the builtins module, displays the documentation of the abs() function and finds the absolute value of -155.

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5. Define a Python function student(). Using function attributes display the names of all arguments.

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6. Write a Python function student_data () that will print the ID of a student (student_id). If the user passes an argument student_name or student_class the function will print the student name and class.

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7. Write a simple Python class named Student and display its type. Also, display the __dict__ attribute keys and the value of the __module__ attribute of the Student class.

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8. Write a Python program to create two empty classes, Student and Marks. Now create some instances and check whether they are instances of the said classes or not. Also, check whether the said classes are subclasses of the built-in object class or not.

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9. Write a Python class named Student with two attributes student_name, marks. Modify the attribute values of the said class and print the original and modified values of the said attributes.

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10. Write a Python class named Student with two attributes student_id, student_name. Add a new attribute student_class and display the entire attribute and the values of the class. Now remove the student_name attribute and display the entire attribute with values.

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11. Write a Python class named Student with two attributes: student_id, student_name. Add a new attribute: student_class. Create a function to display all attributes and their values in the Student class.

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12. Write a Python class named Student with two instances student1, student2 and assign values to the instances' attributes. Print all the attributes of the student1, student2 instances with their values in the given format.

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Python class, Basic application [12 exercises with solution]

1. Write a Python class to convert an integer to a Roman numeral.

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2. Write a Python class to convert a Roman numeral to an integer.

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3. Write a Python class to check the validity of a string of parentheses, '(', ')', '{', '}', '[' and ']. These brackets must be closed in the correct order, for example "()" and "()[]{}" are valid but "[)", "({[)]" and "{{{" are invalid.

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4. Write a Python class to get all possible unique subsets from a set of distinct integers.
Input : [4, 5, 6]
Output : [[], [6], [5], [5, 6], [4], [4, 6], [4, 5], [4, 5, 6]]

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5. Write a Python class to find a pair of elements (indices of the two numbers) from a given array whose sum equals a specific target number.
Note: There will be one solution for each input and do not use the same element twice.
Input: numbers= [10,20,10,40,50,60,70], target=50
Output: 3, 4

Difficulty: Medium. Company: Google, Facebook

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6. Write a Python class to find the three elements that sum to zero from a set of n real numbers.
Input array : [-25, -10, -7, -3, 2, 4, 8, 10]
Output : [[-10, 2, 8], [-7, -3, 10]]

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7. Write a Python class to implement pow(x, n).

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8. Write a Python class to reverse a string word by word.
Input string : 'hello .py'
Expected Output : '.py hello'

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9. Write a Python class that has two methods: get_String and print_String , get_String accept a string from the user and print_String prints the string in upper case.
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10. Write a Python class named Rectangle constructed from length and width and a method that will compute the area of a rectangle.
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11. Write a Python class named Circle constructed from a radius and two methods that will compute the area and the perimeter of a circle.
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12. Write a Python program to get the class name of an instance in Python.
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Python Class Real-life problems: Exercise, Practice, Solution

Python class, Real-life problems [4 exercises with solution]

1. Write a Python class Employee with attributes like emp_id, emp_name, emp_salary, and emp_department and methods like calculate_emp_salary, emp_assign_department, and print_employee_details.
Sample Employee Data:
"ADAMS", "E7876", 50000, "ACCOUNTING"
"JONES", "E7499", 45000, "RESEARCH"
"MARTIN", "E7900", 50000, "SALES"
"SMITH", "E7698", 55000, "OPERATIONS"

  • Use 'assign_department' method to change the department of an employee.
  • Use 'print_employee_details' method to print the details of an employee.
  • Use 'calculate_emp_salary' method takes two arguments: salary and hours_worked, which is the number of hours worked by the employee. If the number of hours worked is more than 50, the method computes overtime and adds it to the salary. Overtime is calculated as following formula:
overtime = hours_worked - 50
Overtime amount = (overtime * (salary / 50))
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2. Write a Python class Restaurant with attributes like menu_items, book_table, and customer_orders, and methods like add_item_to_menu, book_tables, and customer_order.
Perform the following tasks now:

  • Now add items to the menu.
  • Make table reservations.
  • Take customer orders.
  • Print the menu.
  • Print table reservations.
  • Print customer orders.
Note: Use dictionaries and lists to store the data.
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3. Write a Python class BankAccount with attributes like account_number, balance, date_of_opening and customer_name, and methods like deposit, withdraw, and check_balance.
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4. Write a Python class Inventory with attributes like item_id, item_name, stock_count, and price, and methods like add_item, update_item, and check_item_details.
Use a dictionary to store the item details, where the key is the item_id and the value is a dictionary containing the item_name, stock_count, and price.
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