
Advanced Python Exercises and Solutions

Python Advanced [24 exercises with solution]

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Advanced Python Exercises

1. Write a Python program to implement a multi-threaded web scraper that respects robots.txt rules.
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2. Write a Python program to create a class-based decorator that logs the execution time of methods.
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3. Write a Python program to develop a custom iterator that iterates over a tree data structure.
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4. Write a Python function that performs matrix multiplication using list comprehensions.
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5. Write a Python program that implements a thread-safe priority queue.
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6. Write a Python program to create a data validation library using Python's dataclasses and type hints.
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7. Write a Python program that implements the A* search algorithm for a pathfinding problem.
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8. Write a Python program to develop a command-line tool that synchronizes files between two directories.
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9. Write a Python program to create a custom JSON encoder and decoder for complex Python objects.
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10. Write a Python program that implements a Bloom filter for probabilistic data structures.
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11. Write a Python program that builds a concurrent task scheduler using asyncio.
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12. Write a Python program to create a caching system with support for LRU eviction policy.
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13. Write a Python library for parsing and evaluating mathematical expressions.
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14. Write a Python program to create a dynamic configuration manager that reloads settings at runtime.
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15. Write a Python program to implement a genetic algorithm for solving optimization problems.
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16. Write a Python program to build a real-time data visualization dashboard using Plotly and Dash.
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17. Write a Python program to create a Python library for working with polynomial arithmetic.
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18. Write a Python program to build a time series forecasting model using ARIMA and Pandas.
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19. Write a Python tool for monitoring and alerting system resource usage.
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20. Write a Python program to develop a rule-based chatbot using regular expressions.
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21. Write a Python program that creates a system for managing versioned datasets with Git-like semantics.
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22. Write a Python program to develop a rule-based chatbot using regular expressions.
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23. Write a Python program to implement a system for tracking and analyzing software metrics.
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24. Write a Python program to create a library for working with finite automata and regular languages.
Click me to see the sample solution

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