
PL/SQL Fundamentals Exercises with Solution

PL/SQL Fundamentals[16 exercises with solution]

1. Write a PL/SQL block to calculate the incentive of an employee whose ID is 110.

Sample table: employees

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2. Write a PL/SQL block to show an invalid case-insensitive reference to a quoted and without quoted user-defined identifier.

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3. Write a PL/SQL block to show a reserved word can be used as a user-define identifier.

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4. Write a PL/SQL block to show the result to neglect double quotation marks in reserved word identifier.

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5. Write a PL/SQL block to show the result to neglect the case sensitivity of a user defined identifier which is also a reserved word.

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6. Write a PL/SQL block to explain single and multiline comments.

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7. Write PL/SQL blocks to show the declaration of variables.

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8. Write PL/SQL blocks to show the scope and visibility of local and global identifiers.

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9. Write a PL/SQL block to show a valid case-insensitive reference to a quoted and without quoted user-defined identifier.

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10. Write a PL/SQL block to adjust the salary of the employee whose ID 122.

Sample table: employees

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11. Write a PL/SQL block to show the operator precedence and parentheses in several more complex expressions.

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12. Write a PL/SQL block to create a procedure using the "IS [NOT] NULL Operator" and show AND operator returns TRUE if and only if both operands are TRUE.

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13. Write a PL/SQL block to create a procedure using the "IS [NOT] NULL Operator" and show OR operator returns TRUE if either operand is TRUE.

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14. Write a PL/SQL block to create a procedure using the "IS [NOT] NULL Operator" and show NOT operator returns the opposite of its operand, unless the operand is NULL.

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15. Write a PL/SQL block to describe the usage of NULL values in equal comparison, unequal comparison and NOT NULL equals NULL comparison.

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16. Write a PL/SQL block to describe the usage of LIKE operator including wildcard characters and escape character.

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