PL/SQL Fundamentals Exercises: Calculate the incentive of an employee whose ID is 110
PL/SQL Fundamentals: Exercise-1 with Solution
Write a PL/SQL block to calculate the incentive of an employee whose ID is 110.
The following PL/SQL block shows a veriable incentive have been declared and incentive have assigned into this variable.
Sample Solution:
Table: employees
employee_id integer first_name varchar(25) last_name varchar(25) email archar(25) phone_number varchar(15) hire_date date job_id varchar(25) salary integer commission_pct decimal(5,2) manager_id integer department_id integer
PL/SQL Code:
incentive NUMBER(8,2);
SELECT salary * 0.12 INTO incentive
FROM employees
WHERE employee_id = 110;
DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Incentive = ' || TO_CHAR(incentive));
Sample Output:
Incentive = 984 Statement processed. 0.00 seconds
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