
PL/SQL DataType Exercises with Solution

PL/SQL DataType[8 exercises with solution]

1. Write a PL/SQL block to learn how to declare a character type variable.

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2. Write a PL/SQL block to insert data to a table using character type variable.

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3. Write a PL/SQL block to differenciate between CHAR and VARCHAR2 datatype.

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4. Write a PL/SQL procedure to accepts a BOOLEAN parameter and uses a CASE statement to print Unknown if the value of the parameter is NULL, Yes if it is TRUE, and No if it is FALSE.

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5. Write a PL/SQL program to show the upper limit of PLS_INTEGER.

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6. Write a PL/SQL program to show the uses of SIMPLE_INTEGER datatype.

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7. Write a PL/SQL program to show the uses of an unconstrained subtype, i.e., the same set of values as its base type.

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8. Write a PL/SQL program to show the uses of a constrained subtype.

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