
MySQL Exact Phrase Full-Text Search with Solution

Searching for Exact Phrases Using Quoted Strings

Write a MySQL query to perform a full-text search for the exact phrase "data science" in the "Content" column using boolean mode.


-- Search for the exact phrase "data science" using BOOLEAN MODE.
-- The MATCH function is used to specify the column (Content) to search within.
-- AGAINST defines the search query and the mode (BOOLEAN MODE) for advanced search capabilities.
-- The double quotes around "data science" ensure that the exact phrase is matched, not individual words.
FROM Articles
WHERE MATCH(Content) AGAINST('"data science"' IN BOOLEAN MODE);


  • Purpose of the Query:
    • To retrieve articles containing the exact phrase "data science".
    • Demonstrates the use of double quotes in BOOLEAN MODE for exact phrase searching.
  • Key Components:
    • '"data science"' : The phrase enclosed in double quotes indicates an exact match.
    • IN BOOLEAN MODE : Specifies that boolean operators are used.
  • Real-World Application:
    • Useful in academic and technical search engines where precise phrases are important


  • Exact phrase searches may yield fewer results; adjust criteria as needed.
  • Ensure proper indexing for reliable performance.

For more Practice: Solve these Related Problems:

  • Write a MySQL query to perform a full-text search in BOOLEAN MODE for the exact phrase "data science" in the Content column by enclosing the phrase in double quotes.
  • Write a MySQL query to search for the exact phrase "big data analytics" in the Content column using BOOLEAN MODE with quoted strings.
  • Write a MySQL query to perform a full-text search for the exact phrase "machine learning model" in the Content column by applying double quotes in BOOLEAN MODE.
  • Write a MySQL query to search in BOOLEAN MODE for the precise phrase "predictive analytics" in the Content column, ensuring the phrase is enclosed in quotes.

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Previous MySQL Exercise: Using Full-Text Search in a Subquery.
Next MySQL Exercise: Using Full-Text Search with a JOIN Query.

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