Updating Local Data in Apollo Cache with Resolvers & Direct Writes
In the last tutorial, we focused on querying local data from the Apollo cache. You may have wondered if there is a way of updating cached information in Apollo. Yes, Apollo Client also lets you update local data in the cache with either direct cache writes or client resolvers. Direct cache writes are typically used to write simple booleans or strings to the cache whereas client resolvers are for more complicated writes such as adding or removing data from a list.
Direct cache writes
Direct cache writes are convenient when you want to write a simple field, like a boolean or a string, to the Apollo cache. We perform a direct write by calling client.writeData() and passing in an object with a data property that corresponds to the data we want to write to the cache. We've already seen an example of a direct write, when we called client.writeData in the onCompleted handler for the login useMutation based component. Let's look at a similar example, where we copy the code below to create a logout button:
When we click the button, we perform a direct cache write by calling client.writeData and passing in a data object that sets the isLoggedIn boolean to false.
We can also perform direct writes within the update function of the useMutation hook. The update function allows us to manually update the cache after a mutation occurs without refetching data. Let's look at an example in src/containers/book-trips.tsx:
export default BookTrips;
In this example, we're directly calling cache.writeData to reset the state of the cartItems after the BookTrips mutation is sent to the server. This direct write is performed inside of the update function, which is passed our Apollo Client instance.
Local resolvers
We are getting there! What if we wanted to perform a more complicated local data update such as adding or removing items from a list? For this situation, we'll use a local resolver. Local resolvers have the same function signature as remote resolvers ((parent, args, context, info) => data). The only difference is that the Apollo cache is already added to the context for you. Inside your resolver, you'll use the cache to read and write data.
Let's write the local resolver for the addOrRemoveFromCart mutation. You should place this resolver underneath the Launch resolver we wrote earlier.
In this resolver, we destructure the Apollo cache from the context in order to read the query that fetches cart items. Once we have our cart data, we either remove or add the cart item's id passed into the mutation to the list. Finally, we return the updated list from the mutation.
Let's see how we call the addOrRemoveFromCart mutation in a component:
Just like before, the only thing we need to add to our mutation is a @client directive to tell Apollo to resolve this mutation from the cache instead of a remote server.
Now that our local mutation is complete, let's build out the rest of the ActionButton component so we can finish building the cart:
export default ActionButton;
In this example, we're using the isBooked prop passed into the component to determine which mutation we should fire. Just like remote mutations, we can pass in our local mutations to the same useMutation hook.
Hurray! We officially made it to the end of the Apollo platform tutorial. You can checkout other series of Apollo focused on the use of Apollo with other front end technologies.
Authenticate users in GraphQL with Apollo Server.
Managing Local State with Apollo Client: Queries and Virtual Fields.
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