

This tutorial outlines some of the @apollo/react-testing API reference.


npm install @apollo/react-testing


import { MockedProvider } from "@apollo/react-testing";

The MockedProvider is a test-utility that allows you to create a mocked version of the ApolloProvider that doesn't send out network requests to your API, but rather allows you to specify the exact response payload for a given request.

The <MockedProvider /> component takes the following props:

mocks? ReadonlyArray An array containing a request object and the corresponding response.
addTypename? boolean A boolean indicating whether or not __typename are injected into the documents sent to graphql. This defaults to true.
defaultOptions? DefaultOptions An object containing options to pass directly to the ApolloClient instance.
cache? ApolloCache A custom cache object to be used in your test. Defaults to InMemoryCache. Useful when you need to define a custom dataIdFromObject function for automatic cache updates.
resolvers? Resolvers Apollo Client local resolvers
childProps? object Props that should be passed down to the child.

Here is an example mocks prop shape:

const mocks = [
    request: {
      query: SOME_QUERY,
      variables: { first: 4 }
    result: {
      data: {
        dog: {
          name: "Douglas"
    request: {
      query: SOME_QUERY,
      variables: { first: 8}
    error: new Error("Something went wrong")

The above shows that if the request SOME_QUERY is fired with variables {first:4} that it results in the data in the result object.

If SOME_QUERY is fired with variables {first: 8} then it results in an error.


it("runs the mocked query", () => {
    <MockedProvider mocks={mocks}>
      <MyQueryComponent />

  // Run assertions on <MyQueryComponent/>

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