Build a Schema: Creating a Blueprint for your Graph's Data
Creating a blueprint for your graph's data
The first step on our journey toward building our graph API is constructing its schema. You can think of a schema as a blueprint for all of the data you can access in your graph. Throughout this section, you'll learn how to build and explore your graph's schema with Apollo.
Set up Apollo Server
Before we write our schema, we need to set up our graph API's server. Apollo Server is a library that helps you build a production-ready graph API over your data. It can connect to any data source, including REST APIs and databases, and it seamlessly integrates with Apollo developer tooling.
From the root directory of our project, which you cloned in the previous section, install the project's dependencies by running the following commands
cd start/server && npm install
The two packages you need to get started with Apollo Server are apollo-server and graphql,which will be downloaded by the above commands. Now, let's navigate to src/index.js here, we create our server. Simply copy the code below into the file.
const {ApolloServer} = require('apollo-server');
const typeDefs = require('./schema');
const server = new ApolloServer({ typeDefs });
To build our graph API, we need to import the ApolloServer class from apollo-server. We also need to import our schema from src/schema.js. Then, we will create a new instance of ApolloServer and pass our schema to the typeDefs property on the configuration object. Before we can have the server running, we need to write our schema first which we just required.
Every graph API is centered around its schema. You can think of a schema as a blueprint that describes all of your data's types and their relationships. A schema also defines what data we can fetch through queries and what data we can update through mutations.
Schemas are at their best when they are designed around the needs of the clients that are consuming them. Since a schema sits in between your clients and your underlying services, it serves as a perfect middle ground for frontend and backend teams to collaborate
Let's think about the data we will need to expose in order to build our app. Our app needs to:
- Fetch all upcoming drive launches
- Fetch a specific launch by its ID
- Login the user
- Book launch trips if the user is logged in
- Cancel launch trips if the user is logged in
Our schema will be based on these features. In src/schema.js, import gql from Apollo Server and create a variable called typeDefs for your schema. Your schema will go inside the gql function (between the backticks in this portion: gql``) as illustrated in the code snippet below:
const { gql } = require('apollo-server');
const typeDefs = gql`
# Your schema will go here
module.exports = typeDefs;
Query type
We'll start with the Query type, which is the entry point into our schema that describes what data we can fetch.
The language we use to write our schema is GraphQL's schema definition language (SDL). If you've used TypeScript before, the syntax will look familiar. Copy the following SDL code between the backticks where the gql function was invoked in src/schema.js
type Query {
launches: [Launch]!
launch(id: ID!): Launch
# Queries for the current user
me: User
First, we define a launches query to fetch all upcoming drive launches. This query returns an array of launches, which will never be null. Since all types in GraphQL are nullable by default, we need to add the"!" to indicate that our query will always return data. Next, we define a query to fetch a launch by its ID. This query takes an argument of id and returns a single launch. Finally, we will add a me query to fetch the current user's data. Above the me query is an example of a comment added to the schema.
How do we define what properties are exposed by Launch and User? For these types, we need to define a GraphQL object type.
Object & scalar types
Let's define what the structure of Launch looks like by creating an object type. Once again, copy the following SDL code inside the backticks where the gql function is invoked within src/schema.js:
type Launch {
id: ID!
site: String
mission: Mission
rocket: Rocket
isBooked: Boolean!
The Launch type has fields that correspond to object and scalar types. A scalar type is a primitive type like ID, String, Boolean, or Int. You can think of scalars as the leaves of your graph that all fields resolve to. GraphQL has many scalars built in, and you can also define custom scalars like Date.
The Mission and Rocket types represent other object types. Let's define the fields on Mission, Rocket, and User:
// src/schema.js
type Rocket {
id: ID!
name: String
type: String
type User {
id: ID!
email: String!
trips: [Launch]!
type Mission {
name: String
missionPatch(size: PatchSize): String
enum PatchSize {
You'll notice that the field missionPatch takes an argument of size. GraphQL is flexible because any fields can contain arguments, not just queries. The size argument corresponds to an enum type, which we're defining at the bottom with PatchSize.
Mutation type
Now, let's define the Mutation type. The Mutation type is the entry point into our graph for modifying data. Just like the Query type, the Mutation type is a special object type.
// src/schema.js
type Mutation {
# if false, booking trips failed -- check errors
bookTrips(launchIds: [ID]!): TripUpdateResponse!
# if false, cancellation failed -- check errors
cancelTrip(launchId: ID!): TripUpdateResponse!
login(email: String): String # login token
Both the bookTrips and cancelTrip mutations take an argument and return a TripUpdateResponse. The return type for your GraphQL mutation is completely up to you, but we recommend defining a special response type to ensure a proper response is returned back to the client. In a larger project, you might abstract this type into an interface, but for now, we're going to define TripUpdateResponse:
// src/schema.js
type TripUpdateResponse {
success: Boolean!
message: String
launches: [Launch]
Our mutation response type contains a success status, a corresponding message, and the launch that we updated. It's always good practice to return the data that you're updating in order for the Apollo Client cache to update automatically.
Run your server
Now that we have scoped out our app's schema, let's run the server by calling server.listen().
// src/index.js
const { ApolloServer } = require('apollo-server');
const typeDefs = require('./schema');
const server = new ApolloServer({ typeDefs });
server.listen().then(({ url }) => {
console.log(`Server ready at ${url}`);
In your terminal, run npm start to start your server! Apollo Server will now be available on port 4000.
Introduction: Build a Full-Stack App with GraphQL and Apollo.
Hook Up your Data Sources: Connecting a REST API to Apollo Server.
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