
Unlock Performance Insights with EXPLAIN and ANALYZE

This resource offers a total of 60 PostgreSQL Understanding and using EXPLAIN and ANALYZE for query optimization problems for practice. It includes 12 main exercises, each accompanied by solutions, detailed explanations, and four related problems.

Following exercises cover a variety of scenarios using EXPLAIN and ANALYZE to understand and optimize query performance in PostgreSQL.

1. Basic Query Plan Analysis Using EXPLAIN in PostgreSQL

Write a PostgreSQL query to display the execution plan of a simple SELECT query using EXPLAIN.

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2. Analyzing Actual Query Performance with EXPLAIN ANALYZE

Write a PostgreSQL query to execute a SELECT query and measure its actual runtime using EXPLAIN ANALYZE.

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3. Analyzing Join Performance with EXPLAIN

Write a PostgreSQL query to analyze a join between two tables using EXPLAIN, to understand how the join is executed.

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4. Estimating Query Costs with EXPLAIN in PostgreSQL

Write a PostgreSQL query to display the estimated costs for executing a SELECT query with filtering conditions using EXPLAIN.

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5. PostgreSQL: Verifying Index Usage with EXPLAIN

Write a PostgreSQL query to use EXPLAIN to verify that an index is utilized in a query filtering on an indexed column.

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6. Analyzing UPDATE Performance with EXPLAIN ANALYZE

Write a PostgreSQL query to analyze the performance of an UPDATE statement using EXPLAIN ANALYZE.

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7. Analyzing INSERT Performance with EXPLAIN ANALYZE

Write a PostgreSQL query to analyze the performance of an INSERT statement using EXPLAIN ANALYZE.

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8. Analyzing Aggregation Queries with EXPLAIN ANALYZE

Write a PostgreSQL query to analyze the performance of a query that groups and aggregates data using EXPLAIN ANALYZE.

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9. Analyzing Subquery Performance with EXPLAIN ANALYZE

Write a PostgreSQL query to analyze a query that includes a subquery using EXPLAIN ANALYZE.

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10. Analyzing Window Function Performance with EXPLAIN ANALYZE

Write a PostgreSQL query to analyze a query that uses a window function using EXPLAIN ANALYZE.

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11. Comparing Query Plans with and without Indexes

Write two PostgreSQL queries using EXPLAIN to compare query plans for a query run on an indexed column versus a non-indexed column.

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12. Analyzing Recursive CTE Performance with EXPLAIN ANALYZE

Write a PostgreSQL query to analyze the execution plan of a recursive common table expression (CTE) using EXPLAIN ANALYZE.

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More to Come !

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