
PostgreSQL Views Exercises and Management Techniques

This resource offers a total of 60 PostgreSQL Creating and managing views problems for practice. It includes 12 main exercises, each accompanied by solutions, detailed explanations, and four related problems.

Following exercises cover various aspects of creating and managing views and materialized views in PostgreSQL, demonstrating how to simplify data access, improve performance, and enforce data integrity.

1. Create a Simple View

Write a PostgreSQL query to create a view that selects specific columns from the Employees table.

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2. Create a View with a Join

Write a PostgreSQL query to create a view that joins the Employees and Departments tables.

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3. Create a Filtered View

Write a PostgreSQL query to create a view that only includes employees from the Sales department.

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4. Create a View with Aggregation

Write a PostgreSQL query to create a view that groups employees by department and shows the count of employees per department

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5. Create a View with Computed Columns

Write a PostgreSQL query to create a view that combines first and last names into a full name.

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6. Create a Materialized View

Write a PostgreSQL query to create a materialized view that stores aggregated sales data from the Orders table.

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7. Refresh a Materialized View

Write a PostgreSQL query to refresh a materialized view so that it reflects the most recent data.

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8. Drop a View

Write a PostgreSQL query to drop an existing view that is no longer needed.

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9. Drop a Materialized View

Write a PostgreSQL query to drop a materialized view that is no longer required.

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10. Create a View with Column Aliases

Write a PostgreSQL query to create a view that renames columns using aliases for clarity.

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11. Create a View with WITH CHECK OPTION

Write a PostgreSQL query to create a view that enforces a condition on any data modifications performed through the view.

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12. Rename a View

Write a PostgreSQL query to rename an existing view to a new name.

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More to Come !

Do not submit any solution of the above exercises at here, if you want to contribute go to the appropriate exercise page.

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