Components of a HTML page
An HTML page may contain Doctype, Comments, Elements or Tags, Attributes, Frames which may contain other HTML pages.
A Doctype declares the version of an HTML document.

HTML Elements and Tags
A HTML Element may contain content (text, image, video etc), attributes and other elements in an HTML document.In the picture bellow, if you pick " <a href="/html/html-tutorials.php">Start Learning HTML</a>" for reference, then "<a href="/html/html-tutorials.php">" and "</a>" are HTML a tags. But " <a href="/html/html-tutorials.php">Start Learning HTML</a>" is an HTML element. So we can say that HTML Elements are composed of tags.

HTML Attributes
An HTML Attribute sets either style or layout or content related information for an HTML Element.

HTML Comments
An HTML Comment excludes a part of the code from being displayed in the browser.

HTML Frames
An HTML Frame contains other HTML pages. In this way, users can view several HTML pages in the same browser window.

Previous: HTML Editors
Next: HTML block level and inline elements
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