Excel Formulas - Count long number of more than 15 digits not using COUNTIF()
Count long number of more than 15 digits not using COUNTIF()

Syntax of used function(s)
SUMPRODUCT(array1, [array2], [array3], ...)
The SUMPRODUCT function is used to multiplies the corresponding components in the given arrays, and returns the sum of those products.
Excel can only handle 15 significant digits, and if a number with more than 15 digits in Excel, the trailing digits silently converted to zero.
So, in case of more than 15 ditits number a counting problem arises in excel. It can be avoided by entering long numbers as text,
either by starting the number with a single quote or by formatting the cell(s) as Text.
The COUNTIF function provide an unreliable result to count a number with more than 15 digits, because, the COUNTIF function internally converts
the long value back to a number. That is why the SUMPRODUCT function can solve the problem.
How this formula works
In the above formula the SUMPRODUCT compares all values in the range B5:B10 with the value of column B in the current row. This results in an array of TRUE or FALSE results. Now the formula looks like -
Therefore the -- signs converts the TRUE or FALSE into 1 or 0, and the formula looks like -
Therefore the SUMPRODUCT simply sums the items in the array and returns the result.
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