Cypress Module API: Integration and Automation
This tutorial will cover how you can require Cypress as a node module from your application under test. The Module API is useful when you want to access test results directly after the run. This workflow will enable you to:
- Send a notification about failing tests, and include screenshot images
- Rerun a single spec file
- Kick off other builds or scripts
This command will run the Cypress tests and then resolve with all the test results.
You can pass options that modify how Cypress runs just like the Command Line options for cypress run.
Option | Type | Description |
browser | string | This option is used to specify different browser to run tests in, either by name or by filesystem path. |
ciBuildId | string | This option is used to specify a unique identifier for a run to enable grouping or parallelization. |
config | object | This is used to specify configuration. |
configFile | string / boolean | This is used to define the path to the config file to be used. If false is passed, no config file is used. |
env | object | The env option is used to specify the environment variables. |
group | string | This is used to group recorded tests under a single run. |
headed | boolean | This option will display the browser instead of running headlessly (default for Firefox and Chromium-based browsers) |
headless | boolean | Hides the browser instead of running headed (defaults for Electron) |
key | string | This is used to specify your secret record key |
exit | boolean | Determines whether to close Cypress after all tests run. |
parallel | boolean | This will run recorded specs in parallel across multiple machines. |
port | number | Used to override the default port |
project | string | This option is used to specify the path to a specific project. |
quiet | boolean | If passed this option, The Cypress output will not be printed to stdout. Only the output from the configured Mocha reporter will print. |
record | boolean | This option determines whether a test run will be recorded. |
reporter | string | Used to specify a Mocha reporter |
reporterOptions | object | Used to specify the Mocha reporter options |
spec | string | This option will specify the specs to run. |
tag | string | Used to identify a run using a tag or tags. |
Here is an example of how to run a spec file programmatically:
'''const cypress = require('cypress'){
spec: './cypress/integration/examples/aliases.spec.js'
.then((results) => {
.catch((err) => {
The line will return a Promise that resolves with an object containing the test results. A typical run might return something like this:
"cypressVersion": "4.0.7",
"endedTestsAt": "2020-06-11T17:53:35.675Z",
"browserName": "electron",
"browserPath": "path/to/browser",
"browserVersion": "60.0.3071.115",
"config": {...},
"osName": "darwin",
"osVersion": "14.5.0",
"runs": [{
"error": null,
"hooks": [...],
"reporter": "spec",
"reporterStats": {...},
"screenshots": [],
"shouldUploadVideo": true,
"spec": {...},
"stats": {...},
"tests": [...],
"video": "User/aryanvikta/app/cypress/videos/random.mp4"
"runUrl": "",
"startedTestsAt": "2020-06-11T17:53:35.463Z",
"totalDuration": 212,
"totalFailed": 1,
"totalPassed": 0,
"totalPending": 0,
"totalSkipped": 12,
"totalSuites": 8,
"totalTests": 13,
Even if the tests fail, the Promise will still resolve with the test results. The Promise will only be rejected when Cypress cannot run for some reasons; for instance, if a binary has not been installed or if it cannot find a module dependency. In such case, the Promise is rejected with a detailed error.
You can pass options that modify how Cypress runs just like the Command Line options for cypress run.
Option | Type | Description |
browser | string | Used to specify a filesystem path to a custom browser |
config | object | This option is specify your configuration |
configFile | string / boolean | This option defines the path to the config file that is used, if you set it to false, your run will not use a config file |
detached | boolean | This is used to open Cypress in detached mode |
env | object | Used to specify environment variables |
global | boolean | This is used to run your test in a global mode |
port | number | This option is used to override the default port |
project | string | This option defines the path to a specific project |
Here is an example:
'''const cypress = require('cypress')'''
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