
PostgreSQL SQRT() function

SQRT() function

The PostgreSQL sqrt() function is used to return the square root of a given positive number.

Uses of SQRT() Function
  • Mathematical Calculations: To perform operations involving square roots in mathematical formulas.

  • Scientific Research: Employed in scientific research for calculations requiring the square root of values.

  • Engineering Applications: Useful in engineering for solving equations and modeling physical phenomena involving square roots.

  • Data Analysis: To compute square roots in data analysis tasks for statistical and mathematical modeling.

  • Financial Calculations: Utilized in financial models where square root calculations are necessary, such as in certain risk assessments and options pricing.



PostgreSQL Version: 9.3

Pictorial presentation of PostgreSQL SQRT() function

pictorial presentation of PostgreSQL SQRT() function

Example: PostgreSQL SQRT() function


SELECT SQRT(225) AS "Square Root";

Sample Output:

 Square Root
(1 row)

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