
PostgreSQL CBRT() function

CBRT() function

The PostgreSQL cbrt() function is used to return the cube root of a given number.

Uses of CBRT() Function
  • Mathematical Calculations: Determine the cube root of numeric values.

  • Data Analysis: Useful in scientific and statistical computations where cube roots are required.

  • Engineering Applications: Applied in fields that require volume-related calculations.

  • Financial Modeling: Used in complex financial models that involve power-based transformations.



PostgreSQL Version: 9.3

Pictorial presentation of PostgreSQL CBRT() function

pictorial presentation of PostgreSQL CBRT() function

Example: PostgreSQL CBRT() function


SELECT CBRT(343) AS "Cube Root";

Sample Output:

 Cube Root
(1 row)

Example: PostgreSQL CBRT() function using negative value


SELECT CBRT(-343) AS "Cube Root";

Sample Output:

 Cube Root
(1 row)

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