PostgreSQL POWER() function
POWER() function
The PostgreSQL power() function is used to return the value of one number raised to the power of another number, provided in the argument.
Uses of POWER() Function
- Exponential Calculations: To perform calculations involving exponentiation.
- Mathematical Operations: Useful in various mathematical formulas that require raising a number to a power.
- Scientific Research: Employed in scientific computations involving growth rates, decay, and other exponential models.
- Financial Modeling: To calculate compound interest and other financial scenarios requiring exponentiation.
- Engineering Applications: Important in engineering calculations involving power and exponential growth.
PostgreSQL Version: 9.3
Pictorial presentation of PostgreSQL POWER() function

Example 1: PostgreSQL POWER() function :
SELECT POWER(7.0,3) AS "7 raised to the power of 3";
Sample Output:
7 raised to the power of 3 ---------------------------- 343.0000000000000000 (1 row)
Example 2: PostgreSQL POWER() function
SELECT POWER(7,3) AS "7 raised to the power of 3";
Sample Output:
7 raised to the power of 3 ---------------------------- 343 (1 row)
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