
PostgreSQL STRING_TO_ARRAY() function

STRING_TO_ARRAY() function

The STRING_TO_ARRAY() function in PostgreSQL splits a string into an array using a specified delimiter. An optional parameter allows you to specify a string that should be treated as null during the splitting process.

Uses of the PostgreSQL STRING_TO_ARRAY() Function
  • Split Strings: Convert a delimited string into an array of elements.

  • Handle Null Values: Specify strings to be treated as nulls within the resulting array.

  • Data Parsing: Parse and structure delimited string data into an array format.

  • Dynamic Data Processing: Facilitate the manipulation and analysis of string data by converting it to an array.


string_to_array(text, text [, text])

Return Type:


PostgreSQL Version: 9.3

Example: PostgreSQL STRING_TO_ARRAY() function


SELECT string_to_array('xx~^~yy~^~zz', '~^~', 'yy');

Sample Output:

(1 row)

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