PostgreSQL ARRAY_TO_STRING() function
ARRAY_TO_STRING() function
TThe ARRAY_TO_STRING() function in PostgreSQL converts an array to a single string by concatenating its elements, using a specified delimiter. An optional parameter can be provided to replace null values in the array.
Uses of the PostgreSQL ARRAY_TO_STRING() Function
- Concatenate Array Elements: Combine array elements into a single string with a specified delimiter.
- Handle Null Values: Replace null values in the array with a specified string during concatenation.
- Format Arrays for Display: Convert arrays to a more readable string format for display purposes.
- Data Export: Prepare array data for export by converting it to a delimited string. Prepare array data for export by converting it to a delimited string.
array_to_string(anyarray, text [, text])
Return Type:
PostgreSQL Version: 9.3
Example: PostgreSQL ARRAY_TO_STRING() function
SELECT array_to_string(ARRAY[1, 2, 3, NULL, 5], ',', '*');
Sample Output:
array_to_string ----------------- 1,2,3,*,5 (1 row)
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