
PostgreSQL ARRAY_APPEND() function

ARRAY_APPEND() function

The ARRAY_APPEND() function in PostgreSQL is used to add an element to the end of an existing array. This function ensures that the new element is seamlessly included as the last item of the array, maintaining the original order of elements.

Uses of ARRAY_APPEND() Function
  • Adding Elements: To add a new element to the end of an existing array.

  • Dynamic Array Management: Useful for dynamically building or modifying arrays in queries.

  • Data Aggregation: Employed in aggregating data into arrays by appending elements.

  • List Manipulations: To perform various list manipulations within database operations.

  • Simplifying Queries: Helps simplify queries that need to construct arrays incrementally.


array_append (anyarray, anyelement)

Return Type:


PostgreSQL Version: 9.3

Example: PostgreSQL ARRAY_APPEND() function


SELECT array_append(ARRAY[2,9], 6);

Sample Output:

(1 row)

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