
SQLite Boolean operator


The Boolean operators are those that are true or false. They return a true or false values to combine one or more true or false values.

In SQLite Boolean operators are:

Operator Description
AND Logical AND compares between two Booleans as expression and return true when both expressions are true
OR Logical OR compares between two Booleans as expression and returns true when one of the expression is true


SELECT [column_name | * | expression] [boolean operator]
[column_name | * | expression .....]
FROM <table_name>
WHERE <expressions> [ boolean operator |
arithmetic operator | ...] <expressions>;


Name Description
column_name Name of the column of a table.
* All the columns of a table.
expression Expression made up of a single constant, variable, scalar function, or column name and can also be the pieces of a SQLite query that compare values against other values or perform arithmetic calculations.
table_name Name of the table.
boolean operator AND, OR , NOT.
arithmetic operator Plus(+), minus(-), multiply(*) and divide(/).

SQLite Boolean AND operator

Logical AND compares two Booleans as expression and returns TRUE when both of the conditions are TRUE and returns FALSE when either is FALSE; otherwise, returns UNKNOWN (an operator that has one or two NULL expressions returns UNKNOWN).


Sample table: customer

To get data of 'cust_code', 'cust_name', 'cust_city' and 'grade' from the 'customer' table with following conditions -

1. 'cust_country'  must be  ’UK’,

2. and 'grade' of the 'customer'   must be  2,

the following SQLite statement can be used:

SELECT cust_code, cust_name, cust_city,grade
FROM customer
WHERE cust_country = 'UK' AND grade = 2;

Relational Algebra Expression:

Relational Algebra Expression: SQLite Boolean AND operator.

Relational Algebra Tree:

Relational Algebra Tree: SQLite Boolean AND operator.

Here is the result.

Sample Output:

CUST_CODE   CUST_NAME   CUST_CITY                            GRADE
----------  ----------  -----------------------------------  ----------
C00013      Holmes      London                               2
C00024      Cook        London                               2

SQLite Boolean OR operator

Logical OR compares two Booleans as expression and returns TRUE when either of the conditions is TRUE and returns FALSE when both are FALSE. otherwise, returns UNKNOWN (an operator that has one or two NULL expressions returns UNKNOWN).


To get data of 'cust_code', 'cust_name', 'cust_city'' and 'grade' from the 'customer' with following conditions -

1. either 'cust_country' is  ’UK’,

2. or 'grade' of the 'customer' is  3,

the following SQLite statement can be used:

SELECT cust_code, cust_name, cust_city,grade
FROM customer
WHERE cust_country = 'UK' OR  grade = 3;

Relational Algebra Expression:

Relational Algebra Expression: SQLite Boolean OR operator.

Relational Algebra Tree:

Relational Algebra Tree: SQLite Boolean OR operator.

Here is the result.

Sample Output:

CUST_CODE   CUST_NAME   CUST_CITY                            GRADE
----------  ----------  -----------------------------------  ----------
C00013      Holmes      London                               2
C00020      Albert      New York                             3
C00024      Cook        London                               2
C00015      Stuart      London                               1
C00002      Bolt        New York                             3
C00023      Karl        London                               1
C00010      Charles     Hampshair                            3
C00009      Ramesh      Mumbai                               3
C00011      Sundariya   Chennai                              3

SQLite boolean AND, OR comparison operator

In the following topic, we are discussing the usage of 'AND' and 'OR' operator.

Using AND OR comparison operator with the select statement an example have shown.


To get data of 'cust_code', 'cust_name', 'cust_city' and 'grade' from the 'customer' table with following conditions -

1. 'cust_country' is  ’UK’ or cust_city is 'London' ,

2. and 'grade' of the 'customer' must be other than 3,

the following SQLite statement can be used:

SELECT cust_code, cust_name, cust_city, cust_country, grade 
FROM customer 
WHERE (cust_country = 'UK' OR  cust_city = 'London')  
AND grade <> 3;

Relational Algebra Expression:

Relational Algebra Expression: SQLite boolean AND, OR comparison operator.

Relational Algebra Tree:

Relational Algebra Tree: SQLite boolean AND, OR comparison operator.

Here is the result.

Sample Output:

CUST_CODE   CUST_NAME   CUST_CITY                            CUST_COUNTRY  GRADE
----------  ----------  -----------------------------------  ------------  ----------
C00013      Holmes      London                               UK            2
C00024      Cook        London                               UK            2
C00015      Stuart      London                               UK            1
C00023      Karl        London                               UK            1

Previous: Comparison Operators
Next: LIKE and GLOB Operators

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