
Scala Programming String - Exercises, Practice, Solution

Scala Programming String [46 exercises with solution]

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1. Write a Scala program to get the character at the given index within a given String. Also print the length of the string.
Sample Output:

Original String = Scala Exercises!
The character at position 0 is S
The character at position 10 is c
The character at position 15 is !
Length of the string: 16
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2. Write a Scala program to get the character (Unicode code point) at the given index within the String.
Sample Output:

Original String : w3resource - Scala
Character(unicode point) = 51
Character(unicode point) = 101
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3. Write a Scala program to compare two strings lexicographically.
Note: Two strings are lexicographically equal if they are the same length and contain the same characters in the same positions
Sample Output:

ring 1: This is Exercise 1
String 2: This is Exercise 2
"This is Exercise 1" is less than "This is Exercise 2"
String 1: This is Exercise 1
String 2: This is Exercise 1
"This is Exercise 1" is equal to "This is Exercise 1"
String 1: This is Blacky
String 2: This is Black
"This is Blacky" is greater than "This is Black"
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4. Write a Scala program to concatenate a given string to the end of another string.
Sample Output:

Original strings:
String 1: Scala Exercises and 
String 2: Python Exercises
The concatenated string: Scala Exercises and Python Exercises
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5. Write a Scala program to test if a given string contains the specified sequence of char values.
Sample Output:

Original String: Scala Exercises and Python Exercises
Specified sequence of char values: and
Test if the said string contains the specified sequence of char values!
Original String: Scala Exercises and PHP Exercises
Specified sequence of char values: Python
Test if the said string contains the specified sequence of char values!
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6. Write a Scala program to create a new String object with the contents of a character array.
Sample Output:

The book contains 345 pages.
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7. Write a Scala program to check whether a given string ends with the contents of another string.
Sample Output:

"Python Exercises" ends with "se"? false
"Python Exercise" ends with "se"? true
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8. Write a Scala program to check whether two String objects contain the same data.
Sample Output:

"Stephen Edwin King" equals "Stephen Edwin  King"? false
"Stephen Edwin King" equals "Stephen Edwin King"? true
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9. Write a Scala program to compare a given string to another string, ignoring case considerations.
Sample Output:

"Stephen Edwin King" equals "Stephen Edwin  King"? false
"Stephen Edwin King" equals "Stephen edwin king"? true
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10. Write a Scala program to replace a specified character with another character.
Sample Output:

Original string: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
New String: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy fog.
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11. Write a Scala program to get a substring of a given string between two specified positions.
Sample Output:

Original = The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
From said string, substring between two positions (10,26) = brown fox jumps 
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12. Write a Scala program to convert all the characters to lowercase, uppercase strings.
Sample Output:

Original String: The Quick BroWn FoX!
String in lowercase: the quick brown fox!
String in uppercase: THE QUICK BROWN FOX!
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13. Write a Scala program to trim any leading or trailing whitespace from a given string.
Sample Output:

Original String:- Scala Exercises 
New String:-Scala Exercises
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14. Write a Scala program to print after removing duplicates from a given string.
Sample Output:

The given string is: w3resource
After removing duplicates characters the new string is: w3resouc
The given string is: Scala
After removing duplicates characters the new string is: Scal
The given string is: 2q34u923u4928402
After removing duplicates characters the new string is: 2q34u980
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15. Write a Scala program to find the maximum occurring character in a string.
Sample Output:

The given string is: test string
Maximum occurring character of the said string is: t
The given string is: Scala
Maximum occurring character of the said string is: a
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16. Write a Scala program to reverse every word in a given string.
Sample Output:

The given string is: This is a test string
The new string after reversed the words: sihT si a tset gnirts 
The given string is: The Scala Programming Language
The new string after reversed the words: ehT alacS gnimmargorP egaugnaL
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17. Write a Scala program to count and print all the duplicates in the input string.
Sample Output:

The given string is: w3resource
The duplicate characters and counts are: 
e  appears  2  times
r  appears  2  times
The given string is: The Scala Programming Language
The duplicate characters and counts are: 
   appears  3  times
a  appears  5  times
e  appears  2  times
g  appears  4  times
m  appears  2  times
n  appears  2  times
r  appears  2  times
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18. Write a Scala program to check if two given strings are rotations of each other.
Sample Output:

The given strings are: ABACD  and  CDABA
The concatination of 1st string twice is: ABACDABACD
The 2nd string CDABA  exists in the new string.
Strings are rotations of each other
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19. Write a Scala program to append two given strings such that, if the concatenation creates double characters then omit one of the characters.
Sample Output:

The given strings are: food  and  door
The string after concatination are: foodoor
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20. Write a Scala program to create a new string from a given string swapping the last two characters of the given string. The length of the given string must be two or more.
Sample Output:

The given strings is: String
The string after swap last two characters are: Strign
The given strings is: Scala
The string after swap last two characters are: Scaal
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21. Write a Scala program to read a string and return true if it ends with a specified string of length 2.
Sample Output:

The given strings is: String
The string containing ng at last: true
The given strings is: String
The string containing gn at last: false
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22. Write a Scala program to read two strings append them together and return the result. If the length of the strings is different remove characters from the beginning of longer string and make them equal length.
Sample Output:

The given strings is: Welcome and home
The new string is: comehome
The given strings is: Scala and Python
The new string is: Scalaython
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23. Write a Java program to create a new string taking specified number of characters from first and last position of a given string.
Sample Output:

The given strings is: Welcome
The given numbers is: 3
The new string is: Welome
The given strings is: Scala Programming
The given numbers is: 4
The new string is: Scalming
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24. Write a Scala program to check whether the first two characters present at the end of a given string.
Sample Output:

The given strings is: educated
If first two characters appear in the last! true
The given strings is: ABCDEFBA
If first two characters appear in the last! false
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25. Write a Scala program to read a given string and if the first or last characters are same return the string without those characters otherwise return the string unchanged.
Sample Output:

The given strings is: testcricket
The new string is: estcricke
The given strings is: testcricket
The new string is: testcricket
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26. Write a Scala program to read a string and return the string without the first two characters. Keep the first char if it is 'g' and keep the second char if it is 'h'.
Sample Output:

The given strings is: ghost
The new string is: ghost
The given strings is: photo
The new string is: hoto
The given strings is: goat
The new string is: gat
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27. Write a Scala program to read a string and if one or both of the first two characters is equal to specified character return without those characters otherwise return the string unchanged.
Sample Output:

The given strings is: aacyte, specified character is: a
The new string is: cyte
The given strings is: bacyte, specified character is: a
The new string is: bcyte
The given strings is: bbacyte, specified character is: a
The new string is: bbacyte
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28. Write a Scala program to read a string and returns after remove a specified character and its immediate left and right characters.
Sample Output:

The given strings is: test#string
The new string is: testring
The given strings is: sdf$#gyhj#
The new string is: sdgyhj#
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29. Write a Scala program to check two given strings whether any one of them appear at the end of the other string (ignore case sensitivity).
Sample Output:

The given strings are: pqrxyz  and xyz
Is one string appears at the end of other? true
The given strings are: pqrxyz  and rxy
Is one string appears at the end of other? false
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30. Write a Scala program to check whether a substring appears before a period(.) within a given string.
Sample Output:

The given string is: testabc.test
Is abc appear before a period in the said string? true
The given string is: test.abctest
Is abc appear before a period in the said string? false
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31. Write a Scala program to check whether a prefix string creates using the first specific characters in a given string appears somewhere else in the string.
Sample Output:

The given string is: MrsJemsMrsam
The prefix string length is: 3
Is 'Mrs' appear else where in the string? true
The given string is: MrJemsam
The prefix string length is: 2
Is 'Mr' appear else where in the string? false
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32. Write a Scala program to check whether a given substring presents in the middle of another given string. Here middle means difference between the number of characters to the left and right of the given substring not more than 1.
Sample Output:

The given string is: wwabcwww
Is abc appear in middle? true
The given string is: wwwabcwww
Is abc appear in middle? true
The given string is: wwwwabcwww
Is abc appear in middle? true
The given string is: wwwwwabcwww
Is abc appear in middle? false
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33. Write a Scala program to count how many times the substring 'life' present at anywhere in a given string. Counting can also happen for the substring 'li?e',any character instead of 'f'.
Sample Output:

The given string is: live on wild life
The substring life or li?e appear number of times: 2
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34. Write a Scala program to add a string with specific number of times separated by a substring.
Sample Output:

The given strings are: try  and  best
Number to times to be repeat: 3
The new string is: trybesttrybesttry
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35. Write a Scala program to repeat a specific number of characters for specific number of times from the last part of a given string.
Sample Output:

The given string is: string
The new string after repetition: inginging
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36. Write a Scala program to create a new string from a given string after removing the 2nd character from the substring of length three starting with 'z' and ending with 'g' presents in the said string.
Sample Output:

The given string is: zzgkitandkatcaketoket
The new string is: zgkitandkatcaketoket
The given string is: kitandkazzgtcaketoket
The new string is: kitandkazgtcaketoket
The given string is: kitandkatcaketoketzzg
The new string is: kitandkatcaketoketzg
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37. Write a Scala program to check whether the character immediately before and after a specified character is same in a given string.
Sample Output:

The given string is: moon#night and the specified character is: #
The before and after # both characters are same in the said string: true
The given string is:  bat#$#ball and the specified character is: $
The before and after $ both characters are same in the said string: true
The given string is:  bat#$ball and the specified character is: $
The before and after $ both characters are same in the said string: false
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38. Write a Java program to check whether two strings of length 3 and 4 appear in same number of times in a given string.
Sample Output:

The original string is: redcapmanwithbluecar
Searched strings are: blue,red
The appearance of red and blue are same: true
The original string is: redcapmanwithbluecarblue
Searched strings are: blue,red
The appearance of red and blue are same: false
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39. Write a Scala program to create a new string repeating every character twice of a given string.
Sample Output:

The given string is: welcome
The new string is: wweellccoommee
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40. Write a Scala program to make a new string from two given string in such a way that, each character of two string will come respectively.
Sample Output:

The given strings  are: welcome  and  w3resource
The new string is: wwe3lrceosmoeurce
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41. Write a Scala program to make a new string made of p number of characters from the first of a given string and followed by p-1 number characters till the p is greater than zero.
Sample Output:

The given string is: welcome
Number of repetition characters and repetition: 4
The new string is: welcwelwew
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42. Write a Scala program to make a new string with each character of just before and after of a non-empty substring whichever it appears in a non-empty given string.
Sample Output:

The given string are: weablcoabmeab  and ab
The new string is: elome
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43. Write a Scala program to count the number of triples (characters appearing three times in a row) in a given string.
Sample Output:

The given string is: welllcommmmeee
The number of triples in the string is: 4
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44. Write a Scala program to check whether a specified character is happy or not. A character is happy when the same character appears to its left or right in a string.
Sample Output:

The given string is: azzlea
Is z happy in the said string: true
The given string is: abcfdkefg
Is f happy in the said string: false
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45. Write a Scala program to calculate the sum of the numbers appear in a given string.
Sample Output:

The given string is: it 15 is25 a 20string
The sum of the numbers in the said string is: 60
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46. Write a Java program to check the number of appearances of the two substrings appear anywhere in the string.
Sample Output:

The given string is: Thisisthethesis
Are the appearance of 'the' and 'is' equal? false
The given string is: Thisisthethes
Are the appearance of 'the' and 'is' equal? true
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