
Scala Object Oriented Programming : Exercises, Practice, Solutions

Scala Object Oriented Programming Exercises [ 15 exercises with solution ]

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1. Write a Scala program that creates a class called Person with properties like name, age and country. Implement methods to get and set properties.
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2. Write a Scala program that creates a subclass Student that extends the Person class. Add a property called grade and implement methods to get and set it.
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3. Write a Scala program that creates an object MathUtils with a static method factorial that calculates the factorial of a given number.
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4. Write a Scala program that creates an abstract class Shape with an abstract method area. Implement subclasses Rectangle and Circle that override the area method.
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5. Write a Scala program that creates a class BankAccount with properties accountNumber and balance. Implement methods to deposit and withdraw money from the account.
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6. Write a Scala program that creates a class Employee with properties like name, age, and designation. Implement a method to display employee details.
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7. Write a Scala program that creates a class Car with properties like make, model, and year. Implement a method to display car information.
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8. Write a Scala program that creates a class Animal with properties name and sound. Implement a method makeSound that prints the animal's sound.
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9. Write a Scala program that creates a class Triangle with properties side1, side2, and side3. Implement a method isEquilateral to check if the triangle is equilateral.
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10. Write a Scala program that creates a trait Resizable with a method resize that changes the size of an object. Implement a class Rectangle that extends the Resizable trait.
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11. Write a Scala program that creates an object MathConstants with constants for mathematical calculations such as PI and E.
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12. Write a Scala program that creates a class Point with properties x and y coordinates. Use a destructuring declaration to extract the coordinates.
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13. Write a Scala program that creates an enum class Color with values for different colors. Use the enum class to represent an object's color.
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14. Write a Scala program that creates a class ContactInfo with properties name, email, and address. Create a class Customer that includes a ContactInfo object.
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15. Write a Scala program that creates a class Shape with a nested class Dimensions to store the dimensions of a shape.
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