
PHP: idate() function


The idate() function is used to get a local time/date format as an integer.


(PHP 4 and above)


idate(format, timestamp) 


Name Description Required /
format B - Swatch Beat/Internet Time
d - Day of the month
h - Hour (12-hour format)
H - Hour (24-hour format)
i - Minutes
I - returns 1 when DST is activated otherwise 0
L - returns 1 for leap year otherwise 0
m - Month number
s - Seconds
t - Days in current month
U - Seconds since the Unix Epoch - January 1 1970 00:00:00 UTC
w - Day of the week (0 on Sunday)
W - ISO-8601 numeric week of year, weeks starting on Monday
y - Year
Y - Year in 4 digits
z - Day of the year
Z - Timezone offset in seconds

Optional String
timestamp An integer indicates the unixtimestamp. If a timestamp is not supplied, it gives the current local time. Optional integer

Return value:

An integer value.

Value Type: Integer.


echo idate('d');

Sample Output:


View the example in the browser

See also

PHP Function Reference

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Next: localtime

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