PHP : date_sunset() function
PHP: Returns time of sunset for a given day and location
The date_sunset() function returns the time of sunset for a given day and location.
(PHP 4 and above)
date_sunset(timestamp, format, latitude, longitude, zenith, gmt_offset)
Name | Description | Required / Optional |
Type |
timestamp | The timestamp of the day. | Required | Integer |
format | Sets the format of the output. Use SUNFUNCS_RET_STRING if you want the output as string (example 16:46) Use UNFUNCS_RET_DOUBLE if you want the output as float (example 16.78243132) Use SUNFUNCS_RET_TIMESTAMP if you want the output as integer (example 1095034606) |
Optional | Integer |
latitude | Indicates the latitude of a location. Use a negative value for South. The default is North. | Optional | Float |
longitude | Indicates the longitude of a location. Use a negative value for West. The default is East. | Optional | Float |
zenith | Solar zenith angle. | Optional | Float |
gmt_offset | Difference between GMT and local time in hours. For example, since the difference between GMT and Calcutta-India is five and half hours, therefore for IST, use 5.50. | Optional | Float |
Return value:
The sunset time in a specified format on success, or FALSE on failure.
Value Type: Mixed*.
*Mixed : Mixed indicates multiple (but not necessarily all) types.
Example :
//Calculate the sunrise time for Kolkata, India
//Latitude: 22.34 North
//Longitude: 88.24 East
//Zenith ~= 45.6177°
//offset: +5.50 GMT
echo("Date: " . date("D M d Y") . "<br />");
echo("Sunset time: ");
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See also
Previous: date_sunrise
Next: date
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