
PHP Regular expression - Exercises, Practice, Solution

PHP regular expression [ 7 exercises with solution]

[An editor is available at the bottom of the page to write and execute the scripts. Go to the editor]

1. Write a PHP script that checks if a string contains another string.
Click me to see the solution

2. Write a PHP script that removes the last word from a string.
Sample string : 'The quick brown fox'
Expected Output : The quick brown
Click me to see the solution

3. Write a PHP script that removes the whitespaces from a string.
Sample string : 'The quick " " brown fox'
Expected Output : Thequick""brownfox
Click me to see the solution

4. Write a PHP script to remove nonnumeric characters except comma and dot.
Sample string : '$123,34.00A'
Expected Output : 12,334.00
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5. Write a PHP script to remove new lines (characters) from a string.
Sample strings : "Twinkle, twinkle, little star,\nHow I wonder what you are.\nUp above the world so high,\nLike a diamond in the sky.";
Expected Output : "Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are. Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky."
Click me to see the solution

6. Write a PHP script to extract text (within parenthesis) from a string.
Sample strings : 'The quick brown [fox].'
Expected Output : 'fox'
Click me to see the solution

7. Write a PHP script to remove all characters from a string except a-z A-Z 0-9 or " ".
Sample string : abcde$ddfd @abcd )der]
Expected Result :
abcdeddfd abcd der
Click me to see the solution

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