
RSVP Form: Google Form Template


The purpose of this form is to collect information regarding seminar attendee.

You may see this is how the form looks :

Description of RSVP Form

This form has five sections. First section expects you to supply Your Name

Next section expects to ask to you for your opinion Are you able to attend? Yes or No.

Next Section expects you to ask How many guests will you be bringing? Please write a number below.

In the fourth section ask, Do you or your guest(s) have any dietary restrictions? Please check all that apply. Like Vegetarian, Vegan or Gluten-free etc.

In the last section, please elaborate on any dietary restrictions that apply, or let us know if there's anything else you'd like to tell us. Hope to see you soon!. and click submit button.

Previous: Google Form Template: Termination Checklist Form
Next: Google Form Template: Maintenance Request Form

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