PostgreSQL TIMEOFDAY() function
TIMEOFDAY() function
The PostgreSQL TIMEOFDAY() function is used to get current date and time (like clock_timestamp, but as a text string).
Uses of TIMEOFDAY() Function
- Retrieve the current date and time in a readable text format.
- Useful for logging and displaying the current timestamp in a human-readable form.
- Provides an easy way to capture the exact time of an event or transaction for reporting purposes.
Return Type: text
PostgreSQL Version: 9.3
Visual Presentation
Example: PostgreSQL TIMEOFDAY() function
SQL Code:
SELECT timeofday();
timeofday ------------------------------------- Thu Jan 15 14:47:28.937000 2015 PST (1 row)
N.B. - The outputs may change during the execution for the current date.
Previous: STATEMENT_TIMESTAMP function
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