PostgreSQL AGE() function
AGE() function
The PostgreSQL AGE() function subtracts two timestamps, producing a symbolic result that uses years and months.
Uses of AGE() Function
- Calculate Age: Determine the age in years, months, and days between two dates.
- Date Difference: Find the difference between a specific date and the current date.
- Time Span Analysis: Useful for age-related calculations in demographics, employee tenure, etc.
- Historical Data Comparison: Compare dates in historical data for reporting and analysis.
age(timestamp, timestamp) or age(timestamp)
Return Type: interval
PostgreSQL Version: 9.3
Visual Presentation of PostgreSQL AGE() function
Example 1: PostgreSQL AGE() function
The example below finds the age between two dates specified in the argument.
SQL Code:
SELECT age(timestamp '2015-01-15', timestamp '1972-12-28');
age ------------------ 42 years 18 days (1 row)
Example 2:
The example below finds the age between current date and the date as specified in the argument.
SQL Code:
SELECT age(timestamp '2007-10-07');
age ----------------------- 7 years 3 mons 7 days (1 row)
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