
SQLite length() function


For a string value str, the length(str) function returns the number of characters (not bytes) in str prior to the first NUL character.

Since SQLite strings do not normally contain NUL characters, the length(str) function will usually return the total number of characters in the string str. For a blob value str, length(str) returns the number of bytes in the blob. If str is NULL then length(str) is NULL. If str is numeric then length(str) returns the length of a string representation of str.




Name Description
str A string whose length is to be returned.

Pictorial Presentation

SQLite LENGTH() pictorial presentation

Example of SQLite LENGTH() function

The following SQLite statement returns the pub_name and length of pub_id from publisher table.

Sample table: publisher

SELECT pub_id,LENGTH(pub_name) 
FROM publisher;

Sample Output:

pub_id      LENGTH(pub_name)
----------  ----------------
P001        19
P002        15
P003        23
P004        16
P005        20
P006        24
P007        28
P008        20

Example of SQLite LENGTH() function with where clause

The following SQLite statement returns the pub_name and length of pub_name from publisher table who have the length of there is more than or equal to 20.

Sample table: publisher

SELECT pub_name,LENGTH(pub_name) 
FROM publisher
WHERE LENGTH(pub_name)>=20;

Sample Output:

pub_id      LENGTH(pub_name)
----------  ----------------
P003        23
P005        20
P006        24
P007        28
P008        20

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