CreativeWork Type tutorial
In this page, we have discussed CreativeWork type of in detail. We have also listed the most specific types of CreativeWork. Al of those types have been discussed in the consequent pages.
Thing > CreativeWork
CreativeWork specifies that associated content is a creative work in general. An example of associated content may be about books, movies, an article, sculpture, blogpost etc.
The following table described the properties of CreativeWork.
Properties | Which type should be used | Description |
about | Thing | Specifies the subject matter of the content. |
aggregateRating | AggregateRating | Specifies the rating of an item. This is based on a collection of reviews or ratings. |
audio | AudioObject | An embedded audio object. |
author | Person or Organization | Specifies the author of associated content. can be used interchangeably with rel tag of HTML5. |
awards | Text | Specifies the awards received by the author of associated creative work. |
contentLocation | Place | Specifies the location of the associated content. |
contentRating | ext | Official rating of the associated content. |
datePublished | Date | Date of first broadcast/publication of the associated content. |
editor | Person | Editor of the associated content. |
encodings | MediaObject | The media objects that encode the associated creative work. |
genre | Text | The category (e.g. fiction, drama etc. ) associated creative work. |
headline | Text | The headline associated content. |
inLanguage | Text | The language of the content. The language codes must follow the IETF BCP 47 standard. |
interactionCount | Text | A number indicating the number of user interactions, for example, 100 UserDownloads, 10 UserComments etc. The user interaction type must be a subtype of the UserInteraction. |
isFamilyFriendly | Boolean | Refers whether the associated content is family friendly. |
keywords | Text | Keywords or tags used to refer the associated content. |
offers | Offer | Refers to an offer to sell the associated item. |
publisher | Organization | Refers to an organization who published the associated item. |
reviews | Review | Refers to reviews of the associated item. |
video | VideoObject | An embedded video object. |
Example of CreativeWork without Microdata
<html lang="en">
<meta charset=utf-8>
<title>example code without Microdata</title>
<h1>Rise of the Planet of the Apes</h1>
<p>Director : Rupert Wyatt</p>
<p>Procucer : Chernin Entertainment, Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation.</p>
<p>Key Cast : </p>
<li>James Franco as Will Rodman</li>
<li>Freida Pinto as Caroline Aranha</li>
<li>John Lithgow as Charles Rodman</li>
<li>Chelah Horsdal as Irena</li>
<p>Genre : Science Fiction</p>
<p>Motion Picture Rating : MPAAA</a>
<p>Tags : Evolution Ends. Revolution Begins</p>
Example of CreativeWork with Microdata
<html lang="en">
<meta charset=utf-8>
<title>example code of Creative Work with Microdata</title>
<a rel="author" href="">Bidhan Chatterjee</a>
<itemscope itemtype="">
<h1 itemprop="name"gt;Rise of the Planet of the Apes</h1>
<p itemprop="director">Director : Rupert Wyatt</p>
<p itemprop="producer">Procucer : Chernin Entertainment, Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation.</p>
<p itemprop="actors">Key Cast : </p>
<li>James Franco as Will Rodman</li>
<li>Freida Pinto as Caroline Aranha</li>
<li>John Lithgow as Charles Rodman</li>
<li>Chelah Horsdal as Irena</li>
<p itemprop="genre">Genre : Science Fiction</p>
<p itemprop="contentRating">Motion Picture Rating : MPAAA</a>
<p itemprop="keywords">Tags : Evolution Ends. Revolution Begins</p>
Test markup
Rich Snippets tool of Google allows you to test whether you have implemented the markup properly.
Point your browser to "", supply the URL of the file in question, and click preview.
Following is the result when we tested the file of the example under heading "Example of CreativeWork with Microdata" :

Following is the result when we tested the file of the example under heading "Example of CreativeWork without Microdata" :
In the upcoming pages, we will discuss all the more specific types of CreativeWork.
Previous: Types and properties tutorial
Next: Article > BlogPosting, NewsArticle, ScholarlyArticle Types
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