Python JSON: Convert Python objects into JSON strings. Print all the values
Write a Python program to convert Python objects into JSON strings. Print all the values.
Sample Solution:-
Python Code:
import json
python_dict = {"name": "David", "age": 6, "class":"I"}
python_list = ["Red", "Green", "Black"]
python_str = "Python Json"
python_int = (1234)
python_float = (21.34)
python_T = (True)
python_F = (False)
python_N = (None)
json_dict = json.dumps(python_dict)
json_list = json.dumps(python_list)
json_str = json.dumps(python_str)
json_num1 = json.dumps(python_int)
json_num2 = json.dumps(python_float)
json_t = json.dumps(python_T)
json_f = json.dumps(python_F)
json_n = json.dumps(python_N)
print("json dict : ", json_dict)
print("jason list : ", json_list)
print("json string : ", json_str)
print("json number1 : ", json_num1)
print("json number2 : ", json_num2)
print("json true : ", json_t)
print("json false : ", json_f)
print("json null ; ", json_n)
json dict : {"name": "David", "age": 6, "class": "I"} jason list : ["Red", "Green", "Black"] json string : "Python Json" json number1 : 1234 json number2 : 21.34 json true : true json false : false json null ; null

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