Python: Find the kth smallest element in the matrix
Given a n x n matrix where each of the rows and columns is sorted in ascending order, write a Python program to find the kth smallest element in the matrix using the heap queue algorithm.
Assume k is always valid, 1 ≤ k ≤ n2 .
Sample Solution:
Python Code:
import heapq
class Solution(object):
def find_Kth_Smallest(self, matrix, k):
:type matrix: List[List[int]]
:type k: int
:rtype: int
m, n = len(matrix), len(matrix[0])
temp = [[False] * n for _ in range(m)]
q = [(matrix[0][0], 0, 0)]
ans = None
temp[0][0] = True
for _ in range(k):
ans, i, j = heapq.heappop(q)
if i + 1 < m and not temp[i + 1][j]:
temp[i + 1][j] = True
heapq.heappush(q, (matrix[i + 1][j], i + 1, j))
if j + 1 < n and not temp[i][j + 1]:
temp[i][j + 1] = True
heapq.heappush(q, (matrix[i][j + 1], i, j + 1))
return ans
matrix = [
[0, 5, 9],
[11, 12, 13],
[15, 17, 19]
k = 1
s = Solution()
result = s.find_Kth_Smallest(matrix, k)
print("First smallest element:",result)
k = 2
s = Solution()
result = s.find_Kth_Smallest(matrix, k)
print("\nSecond smallest element:",result)
k = 3
s = Solution()
result = s.find_Kth_Smallest(matrix, k)
print("\nThird smallest element:",result)
Sample Output:
First smallest element: 0 Second smallest element: 5 Third smallest element: 9

Python Code Editor:
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Previous: Write a Python program to merge multiple sorted inputs into a single sorted iterator (over the sorted values) using Heap queue algorithm.
Next: Write a Python program to find the nth super ugly number from a given prime list of size k using Heap queue algorithm.
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