
PHP: substr_replace() function

PHP: Replace text within a portion of a string

The substr_replace() function is used to replace a part of a string with another string.


(PHP 4 and above)


substr_replace(string_name, replacement_string, start_pos, length) 


Name Description Required /
string_name The input string. Required Mixed*
replacement_string The replacement string. Required String
start_pos Refers to the position of the string to start cutting -
A positive number : Start at the specified position from the string.
A negative number : Start at a specified position from the end of the string.
Required Integer
length Length of the replacing string.
A positive number : Start at the specified position from the string.
A negative number : Start at a specified position from the end of the string.
Optional Integer

Return value:

The result string is returned. If string1 is an array then the array is returned.

Value Type: Mixed.

*Mixed : Mixed indicates that a parameter may accept multiple (but not necessarily all) types.

Pictorial Presentation



$string1="Welcome to w3resource.com";
echo $string1;
echo '<br>';
echo substr_replace($string1,'NEW',0);
echo '<br>';
echo substr_replace($string1,'NEW',5);
echo '<br>';
echo substr_replace($string1,'NEW',0,0);
echo '<br>';
echo substr_replace($string1,'NEW',8,-2);
echo '<br>';
echo substr_replace($string1,'NEW',-6,-1);
echo '<br>';
echo substr_replace($string1,' ',1,-1);


Welcome to w3resource.com
NEWWelcome to w3resource.com
Welcome NEWom
Welcome to w3resourNEWm
W m

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See also

PHP Function Reference

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Next: substr

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