
PHP : import_request_ variables() function


The import_request_variables() function is used to import GET/POST/Cookie variables into the global scope


(PHP 4 and above)


import_request_variables (string_types, prefix ) 


Name Description Required /
string_types Some predefined characters indicating which request variable is to be imported. 'G' or 'g' is used for specifying GET, 'P' or 'p' is used for specifying POST and 'C' or 'c' is used for specifying Cookie variables. Order of occurrence of the characters is important. Suppose you mention 'gp', POST variables will override the GET variables. If you use any other characters besides aforementioned characters, they are discarded. Required String
prefix A string which is added before the name of the imported variable. For example, if you have a post value named 'email' and you supply a prefix 'user', the the imported variable name will be 'user_email'.This is an optional parameter. Optional String

Return value:

TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.

Value Type : Boolean.

Example :

import_request_variables("p", "w3r_");
echo $POST['name'].".......................";
echo "<br>";
echo $w3r_name;
<form name="f1" method="post" action="import_request_variables-example1.php">
<input type="text" name="name"><br>
<input type="submit" value="Submit"><br>

Output :


View the example in the browser

See also

PHP Function Reference

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