
MongoDB: db.collection.getShardDistribution() method


The db.collection.getShardDistribution() method is used for collections in sharded clusters, db.collection.getShardDistribution() reports data of chunk distribution.




Prints the data distribution statistics for a sharded collection. You must call the getShardDistribution() method on a sharded collection

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The output information displays:

  • <shard-x> is a string that holds the shard name.
  • <host-x> is a string that holds the host name(s).
  • <size-x> is a number that includes the size of the data, including the unit of measure (e.g. b, Mb).
  • <count-x> is a number that reports the number of documents in the shard.
  • <number of chunks-x> is a number that reports the number of chunks in the shard.
  • <size-x>/<number of chunks-x> is a calculated value that reflects the estimated data size per chunk for the shard, including the unit of measure (e.g. b, Mb).
  • <count-x>/<number of chunks-x> is a calculated value that reflects the estimated number of documents per chunk for the shard.
  • <stats.size> is a value that reports the total size of the data in the sharded collection, including the unit of measure.
  • <stats.count> is a value that reports the total number of documents in the sharded collection.
  • <calc total chunks> is a calculated number that reports the number of chunks from all shards.
  • <estDataPercent-x> is a calculated value that reflects, for each shard, the data size as the percentage of the collections total data size.
  • <estDocPercent-x> is a calculated value that reflects, for each shard, the number of documents as the percentage of the total number of documents for the collection
  • stats.shards[ <shard-x> ].avgObjSize is a number that reflects the average object size, including the unit of measure, for the shard.

Previous: db.collection.getIndexes() method
Next: db.collection. getShardVersion() method

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