
Guide to Using db.collection.insertOne in MongoDB

Understanding db.collection.insertOne() in MongoDB

The db.collection.insertOne() method in MongoDB is used to insert a single document into a collection. It’s an essential operation for adding data to a MongoDB database. This method ensures that the document is stored in the specified collection and assigns it a unique identifier (_id) if one is not provided.


      writeConcern: <document>


Name Type Description
document Document The document to insert into the collection. Must be a valid JSON object. If no _id field is provided, MongoDB automatically generates one.
writeConcern Document (Optional) Specifies the write concern for the operation, controlling the level of acknowledgment required from MongoDB. Example: { w: "majority", wtimeout: 5000 }.


1. document:

  • This is the main input for the operation, defining the data to be stored in the collection.
  • MongoDB automatically validates the document format and rejects invalid structures.

2. writeConcern:

  • Ensures control over data durability and acknowledgment.
  • If omitted, the default write concern of the database is used.

Returns: A document containing

  • A boolean acknowledged as true if the operation ran with write concern or false if write concern was disabled.
  • A field insertedId with the _id value of the inserted document.


You can use db.collection.insertOne() for deployments hosted in the following environments:

  • MongoDB Atlas: The fully managed service for MongoDB deployments in the cloud.
  • MongoDB Enterprise: The subscription-based, self-managed version of MongoDB.
  • MongoDB Community: The source-available, free-to-use, and self-managed version of MongoDB.


Collection Creation

If the collection does not exist, then the insertOne() method creates the collection.

_id Field

If the document does not specify an _id field, then mongod will add the _id field and assign a unique ObjectId() for the document before inserting. Most drivers create an ObjectId and insert the _id field, but the mongod will create and populate the _id if the driver or application does not.

If the document contains an _id field, the _id value must be unique within the collection to avoid duplicate key error.


insertOne() is not compatible with db.collection.explain().

Error Handling

On error, db.collection.insertOne() throws either a writeError or writeConcernError exception.

Schema Validation Errors

If your collection uses schema validation and has validationAction set to error, inserting an invalid document throws a MongoServerError and db.collection.insertOne() fails.


db.collection.insertOne() can be used inside distributed transactions.

Example Usage

Basic Example


// Insert a document into the 'users' collection
  name: "Kshitij Miriam", // Name field
  age: 30,         // Age field
  email: "[email protected]" // Email field


  • The users collection is the target collection.
  • The document contains three fields: name, age, and email.
  • If the operation succeeds, MongoDB returns an acknowledgment with an _id field.

Insert with Custom _id


// Insert a document with a custom _id
  _id: "user123",   // Custom identifier
  name: "Kshitij Miriam", // Name field
  age: 28           // Age field


  • A custom _id (user123) is specified.
  • MongoDB will not generate a new _id since one is provided.

Insert with Write Concern


// Insert a document with write concern options
    name: "Vilma", // Name field
    age: 25        // Age field
    writeConcern: { w: "majority", wtimeout: 5000 } // Write concern options


  • The writeConcern ensures the document is written to the majority of nodes.
  • The wtimeout specifies a timeout for the write operation (5000 milliseconds).

Returned Acknowledgment

When db.collection.insertOne() executes successfully, it returns an acknowledgment object:


  "acknowledged": true,
  "insertedId": ObjectId("648ec7f27d58e0001a3d2b3c")


  • acknowledged: Indicates the write operation was successful.
  • insertedId: The unique _id of the inserted document.

Error Scenarios

Duplicate _id Error


  _id: "user123", 
  name: "Duplicate User"



E11000 duplicate key error collection: test.users index: _id_ dup key: { _id: "user123" }


  • The _id value user123 already exists in the users collection.
  • MongoDB does not allow duplicate _id values.

Invalid Document Structure





TypeError: Document must be a valid JSON object


  • The argument provided is not a valid JSON object.

Best Practices

1. Schema Design:

  • Define a consistent document structure across your collections to avoid data inconsistencies.

2. Indexing:

  • Use indexing for fields like _id or frequently queried fields to improve performance.

3. Error Handling:

  • Always handle errors in application code to gracefully manage insert failures.

4. Validation Rules:

  • Use schema validation at the collection level to enforce data integrity.

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